Hey guys, I joined a random session in progress and found an AWESOME infection game type that was being played. The name of the map was FALL BACK ZONE 4 and the name of the game was Fall Back. The map was foundry. It was really cool. The zombies had the highest possible shields and the highest damage resistance possible without being invulnerable. The humans started with Assault Rifles and in the armory that they spawned by, there were all kinds of weapons like needlers, rocket launchers, snipers, missile pod, etc. All guns had infinite ammo. The zombies had swords and two sword slashes would kill a human. The zombies also moved extremely slow but were almost invulnerable. The humans would fall back to different positions untill they made their last stand in a cage like area suspended in the air with one way for the zombies to come at them. From there if there were only a few humans left they would try jumping down to the first fall back zone and re-starting the whole cycle but there were like 3-4 zombies there waiting usually to finish it. I noticed people favored the needler and covenant rocket launcher (spacing on the name). Because it did damage but also pushed the zombies back. Bottom line is it was an amazing gametype/map and I wish I had the party leader in my recent friends still but alas I don't. I was wondering if anyone has this map here or if they know someone who does because I couldn't find it over extensive google searching. Thanks guys =]
Forgehub offers a search bar for the forums. just go to any map thread and at the top of the thread will be a search bar. search for the name of the map or gametype
I tried this. Nothing came up for fall back zone and for fall back all that came up was a map that i'm not really after.
hmm. do you know if the map was from forgehub? if not, then i would try bungie. and if you dont find it there, then the author of it probably didnt put it in their fileshare
Man. It was so well designed. One of my top 5 best halo 3 moments ever. I can't imagine it isn't up somewhere especially because it's the 4th version of the map.
I found the game!!!! I just with I could get the gametype.. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Game Details
WOOOT! I found it! Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The guys fileshare has the gametype too. I'm holding it tight and never letting go. It is epic!
huh, hearing you talk about it makes me wanna download it, but you should just go to bungie.net and look at you game history if all else fails.