MAP TITLE: Hell Maze how fast can you get out DOWNLOAD LINK: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing DESCRIPTION: A little something I put together over the past couple days my first map that includes the use of interlocking and also my first submission to Forge Hub. It's a maze as the title implies. This map takes advantage of several switches, and traps all of which I learned how to use from Forge Hub. I hope everyone enjoys it GAMETYPE: I recommend a magnum start and free-for-all setting but hey whatever works The Drawbridge closed Opened BOOM! Oh-NO! Caged I hope you enjoy the map and i hope its not to bad for a first submission
Welcome to forgehub(post wise at least) this map looks pretty cool but how long does it take to complete it looks sort of short; cool though
1 min!? that's sounds kinda short but i will download it anyway because i like all of your switches especialy the drawbridge. keep up the good work!
hey nice map, im glad to see that switches are becoming popular (your drawbridge is one). if your interested in joining im a member of a site devoted to switches and we have some pretty sweet ones (VOLCANO!!11!!) haha. its called and is becoming very popular as of late. if you join please say that hezbollahector referred you in the sign up page. hope to see you there!
kinda hard to get a view of whats going on, i know its a maze (duh) but i think you may want to get just a tad few more pictures, if you need help on future posts dont feel hesetated? or however you spell that, to message me =D
nice job for a first post but i thinck i agree with the official y35 i would like to see more pics because we have only seen one element of the map
i like the idea it is very nice and the bits you have done are also very nice but there really isn't enought in the map
Welcome to forgehub! Is this your first map? I really like the drawbridge in the map .. And all i can say is bad with it is theres not enough stuff in the map .. If you make a version 2 which i think you should i would add more things in the map .. Good job though! =]
DUDE give credit to the original switch makers...this is stealing otherwise...otherwise, nice, although its like 0/5 in my book, cuz of the stealing...PM me when you update post, so I can change post to what i really think!
I think that you need to make the drawbridge bigger. pmp nmd slkbk's drawbridge was three dumpsters (i think) and you would just barely be unable to jump over his. I may be wrong in saying that you can just jump over yours, so I am going to download to see.
Are you sure you came up with the drawbridge all by yourself? If not, its kind of important to give some credit to a pmp nmd slkbk Drawbridge V.2 « date-stamp: June 16, 2008, 02:33:39 PM » stole my switch....this is my drawbridge and you gave me no credit for it >=[ Here is my original link