I have been very interested in wisps in GIMP .. I have always wanted to do it and lately someone made a tut for it .. I got confused and here was the best i could do .. First one not so good .. But they all look crap to be =[ Any tips? Thanks Boydy
They are pretty good for first's but make sure you add some sort of glow to them, otherwise they're just lines.
I agree with Stoj. Glows always add interest to pentooling. Also, make the colors different; not so bland or dark.
ya these are pretty good for firsts. I would suggest using lighter colours because that is what creates the glow. Make the inner line white and the "glow" a light colour.
So to make the wisp glow you just use light colours ..? Could you blur it or something? (remember i didnt really get the tuts ..)
mkay, you want to make them glow? first choose two colors that are similar but one is light and one is dark (for example one is red, one is dark red) set those colors as your fg color and bg color... then go to brush editor and make a new brush. Depending on how big the character is, that's how big your brush should be. For my Muse sig, my first brush size was .8. (IMPORTANT NOTE!!! Make sure you set the harndness to full!). Stroke the path with the lighter color and be sure to use stroke with paintbrush. Make a new layer. I hope you didn't close the brush editor, because now you just edit the brush to be twice the size of the first one. Choose the darker color and stroke path. It should cover the first line completely. Next go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Set it to 10.0. Merge down the layers, and erase where you want it to wrap around. Hope this helps!
That actually did .. I'll make a random sig and try the things i didnt do in my last attempts .. Thanks alot! =]
Ok i have tried again .. This time i blurred the light layer around the outside .. It looks better but not sure what is missing .. Still .. Good? i tried to make the colour light but it went all see through .. Any more tips?
ffs you've got to make the wisps white that's what's missing! simulate pressure so it looks thin at each end and you'll achieve something like this
Ohh ok thanks for the tip .. Umm i used a simple straight wisp thing in my latest sig .. The gun smoke i made using white straight wisp blurred ..