Combat arms: an F2P call of duty

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Knight Kninja, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Yes, that is basically what it is. combat arms is a computer first person shooter. you can download it from or by following the link to the actual combat arms home page. combat arms is a good game with almost no lag, and the controls are relatively easy to master. the graphics are probably the worst part of the game. dead bodys will fall through walls but thats really a minor issue. up to 16 players can play as far as i have seen, but there is a clan system that might allow more. anyone who wants to try it out should. post your username here and me and reaper of bunny might add you. any questions, post here.

    combat arms!
  2. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Actually, this looks like one of the few f2p shooters that may be worth playing. I'll try it, but looks can be deceiving. I'll let you know what I think once I play it.
  3. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    ok.. i thought it was pretty fun.. small maps too and you get to know them pretty fast. the thing i dont like is that you buy weapons for a certain amount of time
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Looks better than CS and its one of the only good things I've seen happening for the PC in a while.
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    It really does remind me of CoD4, but I can't get used to any other game than Halo. It just screws me up
  6. GeneralCupcakes

    GeneralCupcakes Ancient
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    I played closed beta of combat arms, it was fun until more people came to play it.

    Its that theres always on side that has a total advantage over the other side. I like nexon's other games better -.-"
  7. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Yes like mabinogi and maplestory xD(note* this is reaperodbunny)
  8. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    It feels kinda like an unrefined CoD4. Take that for what you will.


    * Great visual effects
    * Free
    * Weapons have stopping power
    * Headshots


    * Dated graphics
    * Sprint drains way too fast
    * Little spawn point variation
    * Weapon rental system
    * Hitbox issues

    Overall, it's a good game. It has a lot of problems, but it's definitely one of the most fun games that I've played in this style. I'm not fond of the very run-and-gun nature of the game, but I can put up with it. Time to elaborate on the issues a little:

    The graphics are kind of old looking. The shaders are about the same quality as an early 2000 game, shadows are not dynamic, textures have no special mapping, so it all looks a little flat, and environments use low resolution textures. The player and weapon models look good, though. The special effects are the real big thing this game has going for it. Look at the shock wave from an explosion, and you'll know what I mean.

    Sniper rifles are very overpowered, and almost always lead to an instant kill (I've had 192 damage done to me by one). They reload quickly, they are very accurate, there is almost no sway... They're an AWP. That's pretty much what they are. Enjoy getting killed. The only time that they're not mega-murder machines is when you have a hand rail between you and your assailant. For some reason, every rail in this game is hyper magnetic, so don't expect to get a shot into a guy while there's a thin metal rail near him.

    There are really only a few spawn locations per team per map. It's not a huge issue, since spawn camping is almost nonexistent (there's a three second spawn protection), but it tends to concentrate the battles right next to the spawn areas.

    The sprint system drains very quickly, so you're reluctant to use it most of the time. It will save you, yeah, but don't plan on shooting around the level like you're on something. The usual weapon renting system that so many of these free online action games use has reared its ugly head again, so expect to have to play and win constantly if you want to hold onto that fancy-schmancy assault rifle you've become so fond towards.

    The game doesn't make you buy grenades, though, and you get a starter kit of guns to play around with for a while. You can also equip two primaries, so you've basically got a built-in Overkill perk right there, and you can still have a pistol on you (just in case). The weapon's spread and crosshairs grow quickly when firing, so expect to be close range or firing single shots if you want to get a kill.

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