This is a new way to get rid of camping so at the bottom right there is a fusion coil to shoot that will cause the rest of the fusion coils to explode and killing the camper
heres a solution for campers: THINK about what you're about to do, grenade spam them, or simply ignore them and take the fight elsewhere. Don't feed them.
i like the idea actually...its should make it so that like you surround the fusion coil underneath the "camping spot" when you hit it, it explodes a chain reaction killing the guy up...
yea ive thought of something like this but I didnt really think to post it altho in mine it would blow up in a place where ppl go too much to make ppl spread out more and not gravitate to that spot
I am somewhat confused as to how this would work, because it would seem easy enough for the camper to gaurd said fusion coil. It think the best defence to camping is to discourage it. In high action areas, limit the ability to camp. That is where it matters. If someone finds a camping location away from the action, or routes to the action, they will get bored and come out.
true also, you could also make a resettable min max switch (not pmps, i just thought of something else) and make it so it comes FROM the center of the action, such as a fusion reactor in the middle, and it takes out both camping sites, and campers have like 30 seconds to camp before a new fusion coil pops up, allowing the campers to be taken out again (my fingers hurt now) lol
good idea but you would have to make sure that you don't accidentally confuse a team mate that is camping for a enemy .
Another way is just to make the map well, so that you can still control areas of the map, and have to move around to win.
true but i have seen a lot of maps where they have a camping spot and to get rid of camping they put all of the fusion coils in a pile around them witch causes lag, so this is my idea on how to make it better.
All you need to kill someone camping is a well placed grenade and either another, or a headshot. In terms of forging, you only need one or two fusion coils by the good camping spots to make it more balanced. One fusion coil will drop the shields - kill if detonated with a grenade, and two will kill no matter what (proximity granted, of course). On a side note, I was almost positive that explosive damage from fusion coils couldn't make it through walls...
It'd be easier just to put one or two fusion coils in camping spots- all you have to do is throw a frag in there, and BOOM! Also, fusion coils tend to...discourage camping in their near vicinity. Besides, this contraption would never work- no one is stupid enough to stand right next to a giant line of fusion coils. No one I've ever met, at least. Also, I think fusion coil force can go through walls...fence walls, at least.
Well here's the thing about that: on a recent map I made called Pyroclast (not available for dl yet, still waiting on some action shots), there is a pit of constantly exploding fiery doom in the center, and the only real path that leads towards it takes you right on the other side of a fence wall. With four fusion coils and four propane tanks going off at once, the force of the blast should be felt a single box's distance away, knocking down shields considerably when you're about to jump in, if not killing you. When passing right next to that fence wall, though, nothing happens to your shields at all. This might have something to do with the fact that they're interlocked with a single box, but the graphics show the explosion encompassing my model through the fence wall with no shield deprivation to speak of. Now, wouldn't it be strange if it can't go through a fence wall, but can go through a normal wall?
Well, considering the fact that the objective of the game is to kill, wouldn't that just be a bonus kill for you? =P
It's a good idea, it would definatly work. The thing I'm thinking though, if you know where people are camping, why not make that area un-campable (I like that word). Still, it is easier for places that you dont want to cut out, but can be camped in. Good idea.
In my opinion only people who are scared, camp. Or people without shields.. Chances are if somebody's camping, albeit if they have a shotgun, you'll be able to beat them without using fusion coils. R