The ship carrying Radioactive waste crashed when travelling to Station 515. A platoon of SPARTAN II's have been sent to the inactive defense station near the crash site. You must activate the defenses then hold off whatever that radiation done to the crew. Basically, this is my first Legendary Map. It has been tweaked(alot) to make it interesting and fun to play. At the start of the game Humans spawn either at a small outpost outside the main base or at the main base itself. As time progresses your Bases defenses build up, but to the zombies advantage it gets darker(zombie is black). After 1 minute into the game a dropship arrives and delivers a warthog. A neat little feature I thought i put in this map is also as time goes on, the radioactive waste leaks further away. The Alpha Zombie(s) are faster and more agile due to being infected directly from the Radiation, Zombies are not quite as strong but able to get the job done. Humans spawn with a BR & SMG and have limited ammo, anywayz lets cut the crap and ill show you some pics. Human Base (Unbuilt) Crash Site ( Energy blockers represent radiation) Human Base ( Dark and fully built with dropship) Crash Site (with Maximum Radiation- does look a bit crap with that effect) Outpost (its more useful than you think) So their we go, I may upload more pics but their is an area in the cave i thought i would keep out of the way. If i haven't already said, Zombies spawn at the crash site believe it or not. And again sorry for different sized pics, i tryed resizing but my paint program is wierd. Download The Map Here! Download The Gametype Here! Download V2 here!
Looks like an infection map that isn't 99% one sided for the humans so props for that, but it looks very messy, I suggest returning and cleaning it by interlocking some objects, etc. The idea of the map getting darker overtime is cool when you first seen, but now it's not so cool although I do like the "Warthog drop" idea.
Sorry, but I think this needs more work, the crash site looks like a bunch of objects dropped in one spot.
this seems like an okay map, but like the users before me: it needs more work. I like how it gets dark though and i also like how there is plenty of cover. some spots it looks like you just randomly threw stuff down. 3/5
This map has a good feel to it but make it so it has some more interlocking. Make a v2, make it neater, and if you could make the crash site still seem like a ship.
wow this is a really good idea i think it is well worth the DL it would be so cool if the radation could kill people in this
I dont really get the whole radiation thing...Do they kill you or something? i was thinking you made it territories, and when your in them you lose health, but you already did zombies so idk.