Good luck with your hell demons Dead Monster Washes Ashore in Montauk 1:34 PM on Tue Jul 29 2008 By Richard No, Lizzie Grubman's still alive. This is an actual monster, some sort of rodent-like creature with a dinosaur beak. A tipster says that there is "a government animal testing facility very close by in Long Island," but unless the government is trying to design horrible Montauk monsters that will eat IEDs and fart fire at bad Iraqis, we're not sure why they would create such an unthinkable beast. Our guess is that it's viral marketing for something. Ali Lohan's new album perhaps. Click thru for larger dino-damage. Montauk Monster Update! 4:42 PM on Wed Jul 30 2008 By Richard Our old friend the Montauk Monster, who washed ashore on Long Island recently, continues to befuddle. Luckily Hamptons-based website Plum will be hosting two eyewitnesses as well as the woman who took the photograph this Friday on their web show The Juice. Plum writes of the hellfire-born nightmare creature: "Four government biologists contacted by Plum were unable to identify the species of the animal from its photo and came to the conclusion that 'no such creature exists.'" Shriek!! That's because it's a monster. A government experiment gone wrong! A Cerberus come to warn us of doom! A MONSTER!!!!
What...The...****!? That's all I have to say about that. (My face has had a look of confusion throughout all of the time it took to read this)
ZOMG genetic H4X!! I think this is a joke...? I always see stories like this. And there is never real proof to back them up.. Just "witnesses" and a single photograph -__- At this point.. I am skeptical and do not believe it is real.
Wow...I never knew Photoshop was IRL. : D But seriously, that's weird. I agree with Teh Mastar...must be some kind of scandal.
Is this some sort of joke? Were it real, don't you think there'd be some stuff about scientist and research in there, instead of just some stupid info just crammed together?
what really defines a "monster" in a parots eyes we could be monsters and that thing could just be another animal, or "monster" could be another word for "thing". it does look really weird though. ps:i want a tame one to put in my yard and to eat my neighbours stupid yappy dauchson
I saw this on the Bungie forums yesterday, I thought about posting it, but I figured you'd stumble across it... Normally I'd be skeptical, but this seems pretty legit. I'd watch the show where the people are appearing but I'm not entirely sure what Plum or The Juice is...
Weird. OMG BABY GODZILLA, RUN FOR UR F'IN LIVES! Looks legit actually. This might be just a mutation, but you guys know that already.
Genetic experiments? Reminds me of the resident evil movies. ****ing Hell, i think the zombie apocaplyse is apon us. (2012) im calling it, and when your traped in a room, corned by zombies, or 100's of this creature, just remember that ***** penguinish ****in called it. I should start investing in some kind of in case of zombie outbreak room. Oh My God
its man bear pigs baby. man bear piglet. personally i think its either fake, or a deformed hairless dog