Is there a way to make it so I only have one elephant on sandtrap? I've seen the many Tower of Power gametypes, and they always had one fatal flaw: honor rules were required to keep the turret on its base. So I had the idea of 'elephant of power,' since the elephant is a big base that only moves slowly. But gives the game a new dynamic as it changes for where the elephant is But there's two elephants. Any way to change this?
yeah, I was planning to make this either slayer, or KotH and make the elephant a hill. Does anyone know if whether grabbing the elephant with a scorpion and flying it away will work? or if that won't work, does anyone have a sandtrap saved with explosions making a sandtrap fly around the level? thanks, -el capitaine
Yeah Bungie really needs to make a permanent stationary turret or at least add an option to the turret to make it non-removable. There have been so many maps Ive wanted to make that have been ruined because of this fault.
well, when I thought of doing it on the elephant, i thought that it would be so much better, since the elephant moves, but only slowly. But I can't get rid of one!
the elephant's turret and drivers seat are really easy to black off, all you need to do is place two senders on the two sides of the turret base that the turret is approachable from, then place a sender in the driver area and put grav lifts under the teleporters, you can put the receivers wherever you want, I prefer the minefield people can hide in the blocked off elephant, but can't use it, I think you can stop the elephant from moving by placing crates that are rendered immovable with the help of immovable objects such as teleporters or weapon holders right near the treads of the elephant
actually, I'll go try that. Weaponholders, teleporters, good idea. And of course, a minefield just in case. Can't try it now, it's 1 am right here. good lord, what am I still doing up? night everyone!
Its a bit crazy....... but one way to remove an elephant from play is to make it take off. You know the old trick of filling it full of explosives that instantly respawn and detonating it. Then it flies around th map. Its a pretty simple trick, its only the second lesson in forging 101; This effectivley removes an elephant from play for the round. The only drawback is having to detonate it, but you could just spawn a fusion coil really high up that would fall onto the elephant to set off the chain reaction. It might ruin the atmosphere of the map to have an elephant spazzing around the map but try it
well, everything else I've tried doesn't work... does anyone have a saved map with one of the elephants flying around the whole level? because I can't get it to stay up, it always falls down eventually (yes, I'm using instant respawn). I just haven't figured out the correct placement of each explosive.
Ok this is a good idea, however do not make the other one fly it is a lagging monster. Do not do that. You can move the elephant though. Take a wraith (This will take a few tries) and pry it into the opening of the elephant then drag it off the map where people will not be able to access it. -Donuts
well, I actually tried that with a scorpion tank - I didn't move it out of the map, but I got it enough away to tell if it would spawn back. And it did, back to its original spot. Even though after I moved the tank over there. It spawned inside the tank. But it still spawned. I did just do this with 'start new round,' though. Does it work if I save-quit?
The elephant is not an object that can be moved and saved for forging. If you are going to do it, it has to be during the game. The elephant is part of the map and will spawn in the same spot no matter where it was when you saved it in forge. Soggy, you should know this...
Depending on your connection, yes, the flying elephant is a lag monster. But, a group I play with uses it all the time. We call the game "Packy of Power" to have that moving tower. It is a blast (pardon the pun). Check my File share Slots 13 and 14. The game type just sets up lower shields, shotguns only. I have placed some mongooses near spawn points so you can get across the map quickly. Both elephants are usable at first, until someone sends the one by the downed drop ship flying. Like I said, when we play it, the lag is generally minimal, but that is probably due to most of us being in the same metro area. We did try blocking off the one elephant so it couldn't be used. Had teleporters to the "death zone", but then the elephant got in the way as we made circles. :squirrel_rant:
alright, i'll probably edit that for my map. I'm mainly going to use it in LAN games anyway. If I edit yours, I'll be sure to credit you in the map description.