LOLBall Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by distance 0, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. distance 0

    distance 0 Ancient
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    LOLBall Arena is a small, symmetrical arena. The play area is surrounded by Shield Door walls to keep the soccer ball inside. This area is surrounded by an "Out of bounds" zone where the ball cannot go, but players can. Respawning Occurs in 4 rooms below the map and on the corners of the arena, and allow players to quickly rejoin the game. To score, players must secure the soccer ball from their opponents, jump and stand upon it. Players standing on the soccerball will score points for every second they manage to stay up there (usually not a very long time). While on the hill, players can also recharge their shields, by shooting other players, to try and increase their otherwise short lifespan. The weapons are SMG's (chosen for ability roll the ball around and large clip capacity), the shields are twice as strong but do not recharge, and the action is furious. Here begins a new era of fighting over a ball.

    This is as good a view of the arena I could get, due to Foundry's extremely low ceiling.

    A second look at the arena.

    The first few seconds are especially frantic.

    A view of where players will respawn. Each team has a respawn area on opposite corners, so that you never know where the next attack will come from. Jump up the grav-lift to rejoin the game.

    Standing on giant soccer ball for extended periods may result in severe injury or death.

    *I will appreciate any feedback, be it positive or negative criticism. Your comments may help me improve my game/map if it needs an update. I hope that everyone who plays has as much fun playing as I have had in creating and playtesting it.

    ** Standing on heads is a huge problem as of right now. I am working on solving this problem for LOLBall Arena 2.
  2. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Re: LOLBall Arena by distance 0

    This name fits this map perfectly. Haha, thats a pretty cool/funny idea man, good job.
  3. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Re: LOLBall Arena by distance 0

    i'm checking it out.
  4. Dark Blade

    Dark Blade Ancient
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    Re: LOLBall Arena by distance 0

    I like the way this map has been designed, but its very funny as it scares you aswell. Well Done
  5. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Re: LOLBall Arena by distance 0

    This looks fun. Now would be a good time for my xbox to start working.
  6. distance 0

    distance 0 Ancient
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    Re: LOLBall Arena by distance 0

    Thanks for all the generous feedback. Has anyone played a match yet? I would love to hear what could be done to make the game better. (i.e. change in weapons, respawn times, shields, etc.)
  7. theburglar1337

    theburglar1337 Ancient
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    Yes, I have played this even before he put this up on here. It is pretty cool. It's very frantic if you get a lot of players to play.
  8. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    LOL. nice name, the idea is pretty damn good. There is a little bit of an honors rule when it comes to standing on the soccer ball but it still looks like some fun. I also like how you used the shield recharging through kills.
  9. distance 0

    distance 0 Ancient
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  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Very nice concept, one of my maps will be focused on the soccer ball as well, but I have to knock a few ideas out of the way first.
  11. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    My first thought: LOL. I really like your concept. I will download, and FEEL THE PRESSURE, because i'm expecting more amazing maps from you.
  12. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    On second thought. I downloaded the map and played it, and when i looked around, the hill was outside the map, and everybody was just killing each other. Overall, it looked nice but didn't play well.
  13. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    What if you were to stand on a somebody's head???
  14. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Hah this looks like fun. The name is great and sounds like it would make for some hilarious games. Good work.
  15. Xonticus

    Xonticus Ancient
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    it looks pretty fun, I guess the idea is that if you play with a decent ammount of ppl, you shouldnt hafta worry about someone standing on another's head, since they wont last that long, but I definately see the problem. I'll hafta check it out!
  16. distance 0

    distance 0 Ancient
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    The gravity is set at 150%, and standing on someone's head is much more difficult than standing on the ball in any case. As Xonticus pointed out, you should be able to prevent your opponents from doing this by just killing them. I'm not even sure you can stand on someone's head with the gravity like that, but i will test it and post my results.
  17. distance 0

    distance 0 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Standing on heads is a definite problem. It is one i plan to address in the next release of this map that i will begin working on shortly.

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