The Hunted

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Kronos, Jan 24, 2008.

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  1. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    (Order: 1- Download 2- Video 3- Pictures 4- Description 5- Gametype)


    Video (Pics)



    Map: The Hunted
    Author: Kronos 001 (me)
    Gametypes: Infection
    Description: This is a map meant only for infection, there are many hiding places, and there is no in-accessible area, one area seems to be blocked off, but you can get in. Just play it and see. GAMETYPE: TRAPPED.


    Gametype makes you work together with your teammates to hunt down the zombie, there is only one zombie, 1 life for all players. Again, play it to see.
  2. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    embed pics and your video and I'm sure that more people will be glad to download it.
  3. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Looks cool I may download.
  4. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    On imageshack, click "thumbnail mode, no." Then copy the code. That will make your pics bigger.

    The map needs some more scenery and things placed around. You can use the basic, movable scenery objects to help make the map look better. It's cool that you've got a video, most people don't have a capture card, and therefore don't have videos on their maps, which gives you a little bit of an advantage. However, as I watched the video, I noticed the map just seemed to basic, it still felt like Foundry. I'm not sure how much budget you have left, however your weapons are placed in piles, you could delete some of the weapons in these piles, to make your weapons neatly placed, one per spot, and use some budget to make the map look better. Also, for an infection map, you may need to add more ways around the map to allow zombies to be more strategic rather getting killed everytime they try to kill the humans hiding in spot B. The map does look pretty good, although it does need some work. However, please don't advertise your maps in the shout box.
  5. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback, If someone wants to help me with the infinite money glitch I could add some scenery. . .
  6. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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  7. RossDawgg

    RossDawgg Ancient
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    You should try making more Zombie spawn points because if people find out where the zombies spawn, they'll most likely spawn camp them threw out the whole game.
    It's happened to me before:/

    Anyways.. Nice map dude.
  8. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    If you played the gametype, you would know that it doesnt matter if they only spawn there. It's not a regular zombies match, Thanks for the feedback though.
  9. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Yes, I deserve to be slapped, I'm bumping my map thread. But hear me out.

    I put this map up on the forums a couple weeks ago. . . maybe? Anyway, I really enjoy playing on it, but as of yesterday, I've only had a few downloads. I'd like that to change.

    Pros: The map runs smoothly and has many places to go to. You can't spawn-kill with the gametype. There are many weapons placed on the map for you to use, but nothing is overpowered. Also, side note: I've had a few people ask repeatedly for me to put this map back on. (More so than not.)

    Cons: The map lacks scenery, due to the budget. Other than that, the only bad thing I can think of is the first grav-lift: it can be hard to use if you don't know what your doing, but it is fine after. side note: I've had a few people say the zombie is too hard to kill, but that is the point, you work together to kill the (1) zombie.

    I've had a lot more compliments than complaints, just so you know. Please at least try it out, you don't have to like it. Thanks, ~Kronos

    Highlight the beige if it's hard to read, it just points out a few pros and cons.
  10. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Getting enjoyment out of a map is the ultimate goal of Forging. We don't Forge for recognition or downloads. We don't Forge for recon armor. We Forge to be creative and to help other people have fun playing Halo 3. If you enjoy your map, that should be enough. You shouldn't attach worth to the opinions of a bunch of strangers.

    You knowingly broke the rules for the sake of downloads. Consider yourself slapped. Thread locked.
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