I must've taken forever to merge all those objects so perfectly! I really like the design of the map, I like the layout. It's square-y and edgy but still looks very cool! Great work with setting up the weapons too, i guess... Great map overall, I will download this and rate it 5/5
Great map. Looks wonderful, you did it again with another of your maps! Can I be your forgie partnaz plx? XD
I bow down to you Snake! That's some of the best geomerging I've ever seen. I'm wonder the same question as Vice, DO you sleep?
I can see that you didn't read his post or any of the previous posts before you posted your comment. Blaze didn't make the map by himself, he had some help with a partner named "Metallic Snake." Give him credit to. Back to the OP. I am back with a review on "Blindside." I did a forge-through on this map (I couldn't get any friends to play with me seeing its past midnight) and I looked around the whole map and thought it was great! It also reminded me of "Renegade" a lot. This map is flawless and worthy for a feature. You (BlazeIsGod) and Metallic Snake have made a map that is worth the download! Once again, great job to the both of you. 5/5 from me. P.S This is my 100th post! Haha I'm a nEwbI3
To be honest, I hated renegade.... but this has some of its characteristics. After playing a quick 3 person FFA however my mindset was changed. I love this map. 5/5. This deserves a feature.... oi MODS come quick.
Wow. I like this more than Bayonetwork. Almost everything is geomerged and interlocked. I like how you interlock the stairs with a double box making it look just like a pathway instead of random stairs. 5/5 Epic win friend
damn this is one amazing map. i dislike slayer and i might actually play slayer on this. very nice geo-merging and interlocking and the stairs look amazing.
Reminds me of Renagade. This looks wonderful for FFA and the geoglitching is fantastic! I can see wonderful interlocking on angles too. It looks very well made overall another stunning creation from you... Looks like a great map I will DL and try it!
your map I love the map but I personally think you spent too much time geo merging and not enough time on the merging of other objects. I still love the map and I've had great fun playing it. It has sloppy joints but I think it has unbeatable gameplay.
such a nice map! the merging is perfect and the gameplay is nice! a bit more cover would be nice though. nice map overall 5/5
Great map dude looks really good I really like the idea of putting the stairs in the box that gives me a cool idea for a map.
Really well made map. I like the merging. I dont have the patience for that much merging personally. I am exited about playing this one.
sure, i had the ideo some time ago, but never excecuted it right, so i used it here, and it seemed to fit. i listened to music, there were more accidental end games, but it calmed me down, and made me take my time. unless your listening to deathmetal, when the 1 or 2 songs i have like that came on, i just deleted things and threw my controller.
you guys amaze me blaze and metallic, i love how you interlocked the stairs and the double box to make it look- i dont know its just amazing, a definite download for me 5/5
yea finally a good map to post on in the competitive forums lol this map does look sick and some structures are new for me i like it. this map reminds me aof ramparts or evicerate with its scattered structures that still work amazing with gameplay. great job guys
great work with this map. I love the way you interlocked the stairs with the double box. I think this is one of your best maps.
blaze and metallic snake you guys never ceise to amaze me, awesome map! i like the box with the stairs under it, i would never think of that!