What makes a good map name?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by El Leone, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. El Leone

    El Leone Ancient
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    One of the most important aspects of a map which is hardly ever mentioned is the map name, have a crummy or average map name and most users will decide to give your map a pass without even viewing it.

    So what exactly does make a good or attention grabbing map name? Obviously, linking or using a name of a already established product such as a movie or a video game will get some attention, but usually about 20 other people use this idea as well.

    Generally, when I try to make a original map name (which isn't that often, as I'm not so great at it), I generally try to think of a name which somehow links the forged map to the original map name, gametype or the general concept of the forged map. Some people think up a new location name or others design a story behind the title.

    For example, I named one of my maps Final Feast (check it out ;) ), what I tried to achieve was to link it the original map name, Last Resort, and to the gametype it was designed to, Infection. I think I achieved this to a degree, but despite this I feel the the actual map name is pretty average and it draws hardly any attention.

    So the question goes out to those who consider themselves to be creative with map names, how do you come up with good map names?
  2. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    I name my maps by thinking of things and then going throught thesaurus.com for a while. On of my latest maps took about 45 minutes just to name because of this, but at least I was eventually able to get an original name.
  3. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
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    I think for me naming a map is really hard sometimes and other times its real easy. You have make the name so it refers to the map in some way while also trying to keep it catchy to grab the attention of those people that just glance through forums. It can be really easy sometimes to name a map for me because usually I create maps on a basic idea or word. For example my map "Spillway" it really is the spillway for a dam therefore that one was easy to name. I REALLY SUGGEST THAT IF YOU FIND A GOOD NAME FOR THE MAP WHILE IT IS STILL IN THE FORGING PROSESS TO WRITE IT DOWN. I can not tell you how many times I have had a great name for a map and forgetten it.
  4. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Usually it comes to me alongside the idea.

    It should relate to the map, and it should me memorable and cool sounding.
  5. Soviet Skibum

    Soviet Skibum Ancient
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    I usually name it without every thinking about grabbing attention. Just some creative name that kinda' has to do with the forged version. Lately I've been adding descriptions.

    A few of my infection maps and gametypes are a reference to a friend of mine that hates infection. :0
  6. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    lol. Also, i need help naming my map. Heres a link to the thread (Ship Assault). Be sure to read the whole description if u want to seggest a name, becuz it'll help a lot. If u hvae a suggetion, PM me or post in the thread, i really don't care which.
  7. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    My maps are either named off of the map geometry or my song titles
  8. Buckshot

    Buckshot Ancient
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    Well if your basing it off of an older map you should make it the same or at least similar. Like I remade the Chiron map from Halo 1 and named it Hydra because Hydra blood poisoned and killed Chiron in Greek mythos.
  9. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Gah, all of the names I give my maps suck. They are usually bland and they don't entice anyone. The only name I came up for that I was really confidant in was a map called Telefrag in which a single teleporter gave access to all of the power weapons. But it just failed too much as a whole for me to post it here. So any naming techniques that people could share would be greatly appreciated...
  10. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    i think if you pick up something from halo campaign would help also...
  11. OctoDeath

    OctoDeath Ancient
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    I find naming my maps quite difficult. I start with looking for anything on the map itself, but for my last map I spent a little bit of time on thesaurus.com. I came up with 'Sidelonged' in the end. Sound good? This replaced it's working name of 'Complex 9A'. I think 'Sidelonged' sounds a little better.

    The name is so important though, especially when scrolling through the file forums. Most people tend to use caps, quite a few exclamation marks, 'Best Map Ever', amongst others. I'm trying to hold a little bit of dignity when I post anything, but too often it ends buried, unnoticed on page 7 - probably as the word 'zombies' isn't there...
  12. bornslayer05

    bornslayer05 Ancient
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    yeah for me naming is one of the hardest parts for me, on my newest map i still have yet to find a name i find suitable.
  13. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    I always have trouble with map names and that is usually what catches peoples attention along with number of replies and DL's.
  14. The Jon B

    The Jon B Ancient
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    I generally latch onto a general theme within the map or a central structure and think "what does this remind me of?" That's how I came up with names like Town Square , Vertebrae, The Barrel, and Inventory. I named one of my roommate's maps Slated, which I think is really good. I also try to come up with a pithy description that relates to the map's name. For example, the description that goes along with The Barrel is "Like shooting fish..." and the description along with Town Square is "Take a stroll." Inventory got its name because the map looks like the Forge stockroom. Every piece of scenery is in that map, a lot of it piled up on the outside walls as if they're sitting on a shelf. I also try to add how many players the map is designed to accomodate in the description.

    Not saying that my names are necessarily that great, but I think they're pretty original (except The Barrel, which I'm sure has been used before).
  15. El Capitaine

    El Capitaine Ancient
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    well, first off, I never put the version number in the map name, I always put it in the description. And, like everyone said, I just keep trying to think of a good name that kind of says what the map is like.

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