A picture. I know it's a pile of crap compared to others but I wanted to at least try and add something in this section of the forum....
Nice picture. i like how the brightness changes throughout the picture and the broken turret really makes the picture.
Thanks I'm glad you noticed at least one thing. :happy: I was hoping the turret would take a main point of the focus. I didn't really have much to work with but I wanted something.
What thats light next to the turret? It looks like a little light guy =] The pic is ok but could be better .. Good try! =]
i dont get it whats the highlight of this picture ? It good but i dont understand wut that thing beside the turret is. Please add a better description! Still pretty interesting and mysterious! 3.5/5 ( if you make a better description ill give u a 4/5 or maybe a 4.5/5. You never kno!)
The blue thing does look like a little guy! Like a little foot right there. anyways good picture! I like it even thoug its quite nooby.... BUt Creativatiy mkae it happen Good job Keep on the good work!