A thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jake Pajamas, Jul 30, 2008.

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  1. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Before I even get to the point of this thread, please refrain from posting negativities about level boosting. This is not a debate thread. I don't care if you think its wrong, cheating, etc. I don't want to hear it so don't even bother. I will -rep you if you don't abide by these rules. You've been warned.

    Anyways...using the language filter technique (change language, set matchmaking options to prefer language) would anyone like to level boost in lone wolves or any ranked game type for that manner? I'm stuck at 40 and i'm doubting i'm going to be able to achieve the elusive general by doing it legitimately after trying game after game and never consistently placing in the top 3.

    This is my plan: 1 person kills everyone to get sweet medals and 1st place to make the game go quicker, the other 5 do nothing and all collectively get 2nd. Then we'll rotate who gets to own and who doesn't.

    ALSO: if you need help with achievements, those participating can help you out while level boosting accordingly.

    My timezone is US Central (idk the whole GMT stuff, sorry). If you are down, post any achievements you need help with and your gt. I'll add you as a friend on XBL. Then after we've established a decent number of people, we'll coordinate and work on a time when we all can get together. Once we're all on, we'll start a private chat, figure out what language to use, and simulataneously we will go into lone wolves and hopefully party up.

    To be safe, my skill level is 40 in lone wolves, so i'm thinking people between the range of 30-50 would be best suited for this to work as planned. But we can figure something out if your not in the same level area.

    Again, don't flame or call it as cheating or whatever, i honestly do not care. Just keep your opinions to yourself.
  2. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    This is against the Bungie rules, and you'll probably be moaned at FOR BEING SUCH A BAD KID.

    If you need to boost, you seriously need a life. And you need to get alot better.
  3. Randal Stevens

    Randal Stevens Ancient
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    This is lame and cheating. Your 50 won't prove anything, and in the end, it will be unsatisfying. You'll be far happier if you accept the fact that you are not perfect at Halo. Besides, it's just a number.

    And bring on the negative rep. Unlike you, I don't equate my self-worth with numbers on the internet.
  4. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    if it's just a number then why are you making a big deal about it? chill, if it's unsatisfying then i can just rank up to 50 legitimately in some other playlist.
  5. E93

    E93 Guest

    You're the one that's taking it too seriously by ''warning'' people.

    Is this necessary?
    Pixels on a screen saying you're some number on a video game. Get a life.
  6. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    i want to boost in lone wolves with you...hi hatersss
    JohnBrodish add my GT SE7ENS1NS4M
  7. X Jado X

    X Jado X Ancient
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    It doesn't work anyway.
  8. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    Getting a 6 way tie in Lone Wolves takes over 9000 games to get a level up. The only thing it's good for is getting achievements.

    Not that it isn't cheating anyways though...
    #8 Raw King07, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  9. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Why would you want to boost?
    I mean i would love to be a lvl 50 general but i want to do it properly even though i probably could never do it ..
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