H3 Foundation Created by Shock Theta Many Halo maps of old have been remade in Halo 3's forge since the games release. Some are better than others, some more demanded than others. I decided to wade into the brawl with my own attempt at a map that I've seen oft attempted and yet, to my mind, never done justice to. I'll leave you to make up your own mind as to whether I succeeded or not. Welcome to H3 Foundation, by Shock Theta. Read more after the pics. _________________________________________________ Overview of the map. Jump distances, geometry and weapon placement were designed to be as similar to the original as forgably possible. The destructible columns add a new twist to the map aesthetic. Original favourites return with Foundation Zombies! Eventually their ammo will run dry... and their brains will be ours. Neutral bomb played really well on the original Foundation, and the same holds true here. The central area windows can now be crouch jumped through - enabling you to evade and surprise attack those in the centre. It also makes this area more viable as somewhere to engage in more interesting and tactical skirmishes. More map gameplay. _________________________________________________ Design Choices When setting out to create my version of Foundation, I had several things I wanted to prioritise and retain from the original. The map should look and feel like the original The gameplay should be as similar as possible Eliminate teh superbounce Luckily Halo 3 dealt with the last point for me, but on the others I managed to reach a satisfactory conclusion. The choice of objects and the use of interlocking helped immensely to create a gameplay space that reflected the aesthetic of the original whilst not sacrificing playability. I glitched unlimited money and still only just came up against the item limit with one item left to place. Nothing was spared in the maps creation. The walls were set up so that grenade bouncing and placement are still an important part of the gameplay. The scaling of the centre structure and upper platform are such that jump distances and movement times from place to place are almost identical to Halo 2 if gravity to 150%. In testing this proved to be great for encouraging competitive play, something this map shines at. The map gave way to the limitations of Foundry and the Forge in the following areas: The four upper rooms are smaller than the original at the expense of distances across the map, something I felt was more important. The rooms are still fully protected from explosions and weapons fire. The turret side platforms are slightly longer than the BR side platforms. Recommended gametypes H3 Foundation supports all gametypes and you are free to create your own variants to suit whatever gameplay you prefer. After extensive testing I have several suggestions for settings you might wish to try out. For true to the original play, I strongly recommend SMG start, 90% run speed and 150% gravity. For competitive play, try BR starts and play Team Slayer, Neutral Bomb, Multi Flag and VIP. For some old-school matchmaking fun, try Fiesta Hill - Random starting weapon on KOTH. And the old favourite, Zombies!, the game that inspired Infection in Halo 3, try No Shields, Humans on Shotgun/Magnum start, 1 Zombie on start and a round time of 8 minutes. I hope you enjoy the nostalgia of H3 Foundation, and find something you enjoy from the wide array of options this map presents. Shock Download H3 Foundation
Man, those rooms are too small. Other than that, this is the best remake we have ever seen, I think i speak for everyone.
epic map...its finally out...i love this map so much, its by far the best Foundation map. the small rooms are a worthy loss, the main gameplay is FAR better because of it...and the weapons are exactly like they are in Halo 2, up to the spawn points and the sword standing straight up (musta taken forever)... download it. noooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww! i am...:squirrel_wink:
I really like this map, I played it last week. I like how it really feels like your playing the Halo 2 Foundation, just with better graphics. The same size (except the rooms), texturing, and everything, this remake is cool because it really feels like the original. The only difference I noticed is the turrets were better in the original, and there were a few vehicles that spawned on the bottom. Based on the way it's setup in Halo 3, these changes were probably good though (you can't avoid this setup on Halo 3, I mean things such as that the turrets can be taken off now). The only thing is, for zombies, make humans start with only magnums, and put shotguns on map.
Wowzers! This looks amazing! I'll download once I figure out what crappy maps I need to delete to keep under 100...
Looks really good. I had a friend make one of these. . .but sadly, it sucked because he doesnt care how it looks, as long as he knows what it is. In response to GraveDigger about the zombies gametype: I think it's better to start with shotguns and maybe put pistols on the map. With no shields: pistols are overpowered when you group up.
My friend made a remake, and there was alot of things that were wrong about it, but i thought it was still really good. BUT THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!! :squirrel_rocking:
Only one thing: Get a close up picture of one of the rooms please, I can't really tell the size or anything atm.
This map is amazing... if I wanted anything remade, it was Foundation. I'm glad its back. Good job Shock!
Finally a Foundation remake that lives up to its original! One that includes the rooms and a good sized middle section. Thank you Shock! Thank You! -Donuts
It looks like you did a really good job, only problem is I've never been a fan of foundation so I'll pass on this one.