haha thats great, people these days, i take the posters from our movie theater all the time, their stupid and put them on the second story while the lobby is on t he first
wow, he was dressed as the joker and stole/broke stuff? thats a little aquard. oh and he does looka little like the scarecrow.
“Ah ha, yes officers, it seems you’ve finally caught me. Assuming that is, you can figure out who the real criminal is.” holds Joker poster up next to his face “One…two Jokers? I…I’m seein double here!”
ahahah i heard about this on local news the day it happened. He was dressed up to see the movie but thought it'd be clever to start stealing ****. I can't believe it made national, this guy is now my hero.
Yeah, I found it on comcast. I think it's actually pretty comical. Why shouldn't it be big news? It beats hearing about celebrities and other crap.
i was just about to say that lol. if i had the balls id do something like this, he's awesome but stealing is bad kids, so dont do it. *serious face*
I think thats epic. Yeah he broke the law but it was cool. If only he had a bus and some henchmen to hack into the security system /end movie reference.
LOL. That guy is a real idiot for doing that. If he really wants Batman merchandise he should try this new place called EBAY or maybe even the mystical rhelm of AMAZON!