Map Title: Perdition An FFA Slayer Map by miasma42. My First Forge Work, A Labour of Love. Perdition took me two months to make, and taught me many things. Of all the challenges I faced, the most difficult was the compromises I had to make near the end due to budget constraints. In spirit this map embodies many of the things that made Halo1 maps like Damnation and Hang em' High special. Words don't do this map any justice but I will attempt to explain it. Perdition has three levels to it, floor level, box level, and ceiling level. Players will note that just like in Halo1, survial on this map is all about position and equipment. One key element is that the lower you are on the map the less advantage you have against those above you, however the more cover you will be given to take care with. Another key element of this map is fluidity of movement. The map is so designed so that players can move to new areas quickly once they choose to. The map uses all of foundry except the hallway behind the bases, the map cost the entire forge budget. Weapon placement is intended for a 1v1 or larger FFA game where contolling the power weapons will have a big impact on the outcome. I hope you all like it, and would love to hear any feedback. Take a peek. Have a Play. Download Map
This looks fantastic. Its not interlocked, but it still looks great. Awesome map name also. Im going to go ahead and give it a DL, and check it out. Hopefully i will be able to play on it in the near future.
Yay, someone who posted correctly first try. This looks like a really cool design, and it also appears that it can be an all around played map. Nice job.
looks nice and i like the division of the map into sections, and how there all still open above, its hard to tell how it all works from the pictures but it still looks great
Thanks for the nice comments guys. If you get the chance to play on it, I hope you stop back by to comment on the experience. Unfortunately, I didn't have that many friends to test it with. @Tittmar, I learned about interlocking real late in the development of this, I actually used it for one wall, but I wish i had known earlier, would've cut down on those little hops you make when running around on Box floors. Have fun folks.
I thought that it worked out well. The scope of the map is increased by the multiple levels and all of the power weapons were at the best possible locations for them. I checked it out in forge, so I know you were under budgetary restraints, but if you could get rid of some of the flair a few more weapons would be good.
@Kapura, the sad truth is that i had to delete almost all of the flair just to place the weapons that are on it now. There are still a few barrels and such that could go, but i wanted to be sure, weapon balancing was one thing i never got to do with this map, the only games I ever got to play on it were against just two other opponents. I may go back and look over it again, but of course feel free to tweak it yourself if you like. Cheers Go Packers!
This looks like a very high quality map. Based on the screenshots it looks like everything was carefully placed with thought. I like the weapon and equipment placement. I guess the only downside to this post would be the "Go Packers!" part .
Like I said, I would play on it. And I did. OK... this map needs more BR!!! Like, A LOT MORE! Everyone who played the map (we played a 5 man FFA) was complaining about only 1 BR on the map. #2 the spawns are kinda odd. It was annoying to spawn so far from the action, and always on the back left side (opposite of rocket spawn) However, besides that, I liked it a lot. I think there are still parts of the map that I havent discovered, and it has multiple ways to navigate throughout. If played with BR starts, I think this map will be amazing. Good job.
Thanks, so basically what I gather is that the design of the map is "awesome", however the weapons and spawns needs work. Basically, I am not at all surprised by that, I was kinda expecting it. I needed to playtest it to get that stuff right, but didn't ahve the players to do it. I was hoping by publishing it at its current stage I would get some feedback on how to fix those things from players that actually have friends that play custom games. So thanks again for the help there, guys. BR Starts is a very good idea, i don't know why the hell I didn't think of that, lol. Additionally, if there is anyone out there who wants to do the weapon placement and spawn placement for this map to make it actually fun, I would be very grateful. I am a big fan of collaboration when it comes to creative endeavors such as this.
I had a run round and liked it. However you definitely need a few more weapons, there are quite a few little bits of scenery that could easily get cut (barrels). One problem I found was that I got stuck down the side of the stairs on the right hand side by the window. Can you move them over slightly?