Hey Guys i recently made a map BASED ON THE classic one flag map: relic. The map does not really look like relic, however it plays very much like it. i have not encountered any flaws with the map, but there may be sum, and if there is let me know. the map suits one flag and team slayer HAVE FUN!!! DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16938044 if i did anything wrong let me know, im new to this and let me know also what you think of the map, good or bad, i dont care thanks Edit by Furious: Title name edited to be the same as the map name. Please read our posting guidelines.
Re: RELIC REMAKE i guess no body cares, o well, i like the map, and im gonna go eat a turkey bacon hot pocket, download if u like
Re: RELIC REMAKE looks good, one thing about ur post, is don't link ur fileshare, upload the map to the bnet forums. I hope u enjoyed ur hotpockets
Re: RELIC REMAKE I see no relevance to Relic either. When I saw this post I was like, "There is no way you could make relic on Foundry".
Re: RELIC REMAKE I would recommend removing all references to Relic. Its fine if Relic inspired you to make this map, but all traces of Relic have been lost, apparently. At most, mention somewhere in the description that you were inspired by Relic, but call the map something else entirely. I like the screens, they do a good job of showing the base. But what does the other side of the map look like? Also, you need to go to your File Share, find your map, then click the "Publish To Forums" link under it. Next, it will make you create a thread for it. Then, once the thread is created, post the link to that thread here, instead of your File Share. Last, please don't bump your posts. This isn't Bungie.Net. Your post won't disappear under 5 pages of new posts after only 30 minutes. That's one of the great things about Forgehub. :squirrel_wink: Welcome!
Re: RELIC REMAKE alright, thanks for the help and compliments, but like i said i just thought i played a lot like relic, cause i played it at a system link party and they said it played like it, but ya ill probably end up renaming it, and ill try to make a new link, sorry for the other one. and yes papa, i did enjoy my hot pocket, it was delicious the rest of the map is as follows: The vehicle pit.......... it is to the left of the flag base it has spike grenades, a trip mine, a deployable cover, invis, and some br's. The Defensive snipe, it is located on the left walkway before heading up to the flag. The offensive base, located to the right of the flag base and rockets. abundant with br's, a mauler, a regen, and a snip, with two mongooses, just out side of the base there are two fire bomb grenades, but spawn slowly. The offensive spawn is just in this room, protected from getting spawn sniped. there are more spawn points outside, but the starting points are in this room thats about it, i hope this helps clarify
NEW LINK TO DOWNLOAD MAP!!!! http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16938044 lets see if this works!
Ignoring the fact that you double posted, linked to your file share, and used a "Vehicle Pit". The map is relativity good. I would remove the "Vehicle Pit" and replace with one vehicle and I would also take relic out of the title and say that relic inspired you and the gameplay is like it. Also remove the link to your fileshare in your first post, then also dont double post. -Donuts
yah the double post was bad, and unintentional, and ya relic isnt a good name really, but i just dont want to have to rename it on my fileshare and stuff. also what vehichle should be in the spot, do you think, another mongoose? warthog or ghost? what do you think will fit, i think warthog, because a ghost could easily dominate the map if the defense get a hold of it
...bleh. i really dont see relic in this. a lot of the fighting in relic took outside of the base in open areas with sniper and br duel's....or maybe a race to the flag with the warthog. i just dont see it
Yea this just doesn't have the relic feel, but you could say it was "based off of" instead of a "remake of"
i have already dicussed this several times, the part i saw of relic was the fact that the hardest part was getting to the flag, but once you get it, you jump off a cliff and kablamm! your almost home. not the fact that i looks like relic, weapons like relic, or vehicles like relic....i didnt base the name off of any of those, but u have i point, i should have named it something else, u got me. i will later change the name and i am sorry for the incoveneince of having a bad name, really i am yavimayan yes you are totally right, ill go change it
You map+basis off of Halo 2 map Relic=phail. Looks ok, the vehicle pit is a scary site though. Nice try, I mean efforts that is.
I agree and its my first map so I mean I have room to improve for surely and with the vehicle pit being scary, is this a good comment or a bad one, i will not put anymore vehicle pits though cause a lot of people dont like them