Map Download. Tired of the old Epitaph? Well I was too! Until I made this cool Hardcore version of it. This is basically: A VERY balanced matchmaking-friendly version of Epitaph. You will LOVE playing 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 on this map. The basis of this map is no longer camping. I will present screenshots for you, but the entire map can be explained in text: Changes- Rockets: Removed. Replaced with Gravity Hammer. Gravity Hammer: Moved to previous Rocket spawn. Shotgun: Removed. Replaced with Beam Rifle. Brute Shot: Changed Extra Clips to 1. Added new Brute Shot on other side of map. Spartan Laser: Added underneath the small yellow lift. is behind the big yellow hologram. Battle Rifle: Added about 3 BR's to map. Carbine: Added about 3 Carbines to map. Mauler: Two Maulers on map. Very far away from each other. Needler: One Needler on map. Forgot where I put it. Teleporter: One way teleporter added. Sender node is placed near the Active Camouflage team's Starting Point. Receiver node is placed about 6 feet away from the big yellow lift that takes you to the floating thingy. Plasma Grenades: Many plasma grenades added around the map. I also changed the area around the Beam Rifle spawn. I added cement Barriers around the doors so that people can't camp around the doors. I have tested this map with one friend, and we both have found that this map is EXTREMELY balanced, and camping almost NEVER happens. Pictures: Gravity Hammer and Bubble Shield Teleporter Sender Node Teleporter Reciever Node Spartan Laser The Area Around the Beam Rifle Spawn (Old Shotgun spawn)
WTF?That is spam and how is that even helpful.You deserve an infraction for that mister. Anyways its nice to see and old map now and then.But this map looks and seems unessecary.Why would I want to download this is the question you should be asking your self when making this map.What is special or different about it.It looks to me that you just placed some weapons,barriers,and teleporters in places.So maube update this adding somethign that changes the feel of the old epitaph.But nice map and please take what I said into consideration.
It's special, because, unlike most other Epitaph variants made, this one is very fair to any and all teams. It's almost impossible to camp the entire game, and on test runs, camping never happened. With the reduction of camping, the weapons are also very balanced in where and how they are placed.
Alright then.I will be downloading and playing with some friends.I will come back and post a review and criticisms.
I have to agree with Playerhata. It looks like an ok map, but its just a few new weapons and barricades. I'll try it out aswell. Also I think somewhere someone may find a way to camp.
It certainly made Epitaph look better (like it couldn't get any worse lol) I'm glad this was finally done. Epitaph is more in need of an HC version than snowbound was. HC is a last resort to maps tht aren't any good. This is so Bungie can have 1 last chance to make them decent. It didn't work for Snowbound so they took it off every playlist except Lone Wolves so it wouldn't be totally forgotton and because it is not THAT bad for FFA. I think I'll DL and see if there is such thing as a GOOD Epitaph map. Now you need to make one on Isolation lol. The rockets and ghost are to close together and a simple double team with the BR can assure 1 team with the 2 main power weapons on the map. As for this map I think you did a really good job I would have never thought of putting teleporters. In my opinion Snowbound , Isolation and Epitaph should be replaced by rotating foundry maps that are either great or featured. A few months ago Bungie said they were making a custom maps playlist to single out maps like Anvil, Great wall and Cell Bock 71 these maps were good back then and Anvil and Great Wall got people recon). It never came out but still the 3 worst halo 3 maps in MM should be replaced. I hope Bungie makes Legendary free (although they said they wouldn't when they first came out). Blackout and Ghost Town could replace Snowbound and Isolation and hopefully this map HC Epitaph will replace the origonal version it looks like a great improvement!
this is good, but with all the barriers, did you see HC snowbound with barriers? no they were just weapon adjustments. you need to take out teleporters and berriers and just make an epitaph with fair weapons ONLY. Im glad that you chose to do bungie's chore of cleaning up their mess of a map =)
I'm a big fan of replacing the weapons on maps with terrible weapon placement such as snowbound, sandtrap, epitaph, isolation, ect. but I don't think that this is more balanced, also the scenery looks really out of place. None of the equipment and grenades were changed and I doubt the spawns were as well. I admire the attempt but I pity the outcome.
Ok, you changed a couple weapons around (Badly I might add. Hammer is RIGHT next to the bubble. Overpowering), stuck one terrible thought out teleporter (You put the sender on one end and the reciever right next to a device that throws you nearly back to where you started, also on top of your bad weapon placement). Then some random scenery. You expect praise for this?
doesnt look any hardcore because i dont think there are hammers in hardcore gametypes. also all you did was add a couple barriers and weapons to the map. not much was done to the original epitaph.
Thanks, to everyone, for all the good comments and downloads. This map was designed to be implemented into Team Doubles, and to be a fair map for matchmaking. Oh, by the way, HC Snowbound is an EPIC FAIL. Everyone camps in the tunnels with the Beam Rifle and Maulers. Still not fun, and the Ghost is now almost invincible, because they took out the Splazer and Power Drainer.
hm... I dont know. It looks like a quick attempt to change epitaph after a frustrating game of Lone Wolves. The barriers at the entrance to the shotgun spawn looks very sloppy. A Spartan Laser seems like it'd be very awkward on Epitaph. So one team spawns near the camo and sender node and the power drain happens to be in front of the receiver. Call be crazy but something about that doesnt seem ver balanced. It looks like an a attempt to recreate the HC Snowbound type of map on Epitaph. To be completely honest, I dont like it. Nothing about it really impresses me.
This looks HARDCORE!!! But really. It looks pretty cool i'm not much of a fan for epitaph though i see that you have spiced it up even though theres not really much to forge on epitaph other than the weapons...which you did! so goodjob lol ill check it out cause it beats the norm
Why are two Spikers set down right next to a Splazer? Also, those barricades seem rather random and haphazard. Is there logic behind that?
hmmm yea, ill have to agree and say it's not too wonderful, but in the same breath say it's not too shabby. The first picture poses a gigantic problem Hammer ________ Bubble Shield Doesnt work. Seriously consider fixing it. Splazer has no use on Epitaph other then to cause EXTREME frustration. Imagine the scenario - it's 24-24 in 2v2, and you get the Splazer, start to charge it, and the guy hears/sees the beam and ducks behind a shield wall. Zzap! Laser hits wall, and the guy jumps out and BR's you while you're charging you're next shot. Kaput. Game Over. (an extreme example i know, but stuff like that happens, and is usaully followed by : WTF BUGIE! t3h BR iz 0verp0r3d!!!!111 R3MOVEZ ITZ!! on bungie forums.) Seriously. Look at the place. Epitaph is a map that causes frustration: Fact. Adding a weapon that causes a lot of frustration with the slightest touch of lag is a bad idea. Add a powerweapon that people can camp with and plonk it square on top of a bubble shield is another bad idea. However, it's not all that bad. I like what you've done with Beam Rifle - Shottie. But maybe think of keeping the rockets. Give the people there kill, before they leap behind a shield wall waiting to regenerate. Epitaph is a poorly balanced map, and so far i havent seen anyone correct this balance yet. Well done though, an excellent attempt, and im sure it plays well, but maybe consider some changes.