I know there have been lots of theese, but wouldn't it be awesome if there was an piece of equiptment like this - Shaped like th power drainer When you throw it down it lasts for 5 seconds, and stays in the same place making a large purple dome effect kind of thing, and anyone that steps near it, or through it, it reduces their movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds. Even for vehicles, that would be awesome
UT3 did this, drop a little mine that deploys a green square where EVERYTHING moves slower so it could be done on halo. I wish we had the invis from campaign though. that was epic win sauce. Maybe a small object that emmits wind - making projectiles (Like rockets, needles, plasma, nades) move the direction it was thrown with the strengs of a grav hammer (Man cannon would be too strong imo). can launch anything but bullets and streaks of energy
And remember those like, Turret Forerunner things? Those would be cool too. Only problem wiht invis equip, is that it'd be kinda annoying to be shooting someone, they he flippin dissapears. L3ik, kn0w wh4t 1m s4y1ng?
lol i think thats the point. i would ike a device that calls in a grunt to aid you in battle. he just has a plasma pistol. if you die he either freaks out and runs away or gets suicidal lol. on a more serious note though, i think it'd be sweet to have an equipment that deploys a hologram copy of you (it could just stand there, run in circles or whatever) to create a distraction while you go in for the killz0rs. lasts for 10 seconds.
ok if the person goes invis keep shooting at him unless he took cover and then turned invis you might just want to throw a nade.
Yeah, but that might not happen all the time.. But what if you run out of ammo? What if he crouches near some rock...? See what I mean?
that would be sick even if like the mine pulled things in towards it that flew like through the middle of it; it would be sick equiptment
i would like an equipment that would screw up you gun when you are in its aura (about as big as a power drainers) like it would make your gun shoot randomly, not shoot when trigger pulled, and extremely innacurate.
Isn't there something similar to that on Timeshift? And yeah that would be sweet! I always wanted the Camo equipment off the campaign online .. The one where its in your inventory then you like X you go in camo ..
I can see that pissing me off a ton... It would be tight though... I would love using that to piss my team off
It would be hecka cool if they made a cluster bomb in the the shape of a drainer. Throw it in a room and see bodyparts fly out.