First time posting on Forge Hub, so bare with me. Here's da map: And here's da gametype (required): _________________________________Description______________________ Inside this old, abandoned factory, teams must find there way up to the "Tower of Power". There are two entrances, easily noted with A and B signs. Teams spawn and respawn on eather side of the built in Foundry building, and there is a few bits of cover to hide from the turret. The gametype has the standard options from the old Halo 2 ToP, shotguns and no shields Screenshots: The Tower Entrance A Hallway Spawn Area Overveiw Tower Overveiw Sorry, but I don't have any action pics because my map's not very popular (while most Bnet peeps say it's awesome) TIPS: -The game will begin in an almost instant fight. Try sending one or two teamates to the tower while you try to fend off the enemy team. -I reccomend 2 teams of 2 to 8. I haven't tried multiteam games on this, but I just realized that it could work. -Requires my Tower of Power Game Variant -Entrance A is a simple, straight-foward winding stairway passage, with very few places to hide. -Entrance B is a quick but difficult "shortcut". While it is much faster, you are likely to have a surprise waiting for you around the tight corners. The mancannon also gives off that loud, whailing noise, alerting opponents of your approach. -Watch your back. And your sides... And above. -Have fun! Title edited by Furious. Please read our posting guidelines
Re: Tower of Power Map (Great ratings on Bnet!) Some advice when posting- -Embed your pics (Go to and upload your image, copy and paste the code for "Hotlink for forums" I understand its your first post, not bad :squirrel_chatting:
Although colors are nice, the highlighting makes it very difficult to read; embedding would be nice too. The tower reminds me of Acension (sp?) and looks pretty cool. I am not sure about the King of the Hill variant. The whole idea of Tower of Power on Acension was that the tower had a power in its own not from a hill. This would also create clutter in the building rather than the intense fights that went down outside of the tower in H2, but I won't know until I give it a try whether it is a good feature.
Well, the reason for the KotH variant is because people would just tear off the turret and rack up kills on the ground. I just thought, should I make the hill the size of the turret, so that only the person on the turret would get points?
I looked at your pics, and they are pretty good, you might want to consider taking a new one of the tower, because it shows very little and I can't really get what's going on
I can see that this is your first or one of your first posts. A couple of things to help you out: 1. Go to this link to learn about posting: 2. Embed your pics by going to this website: 3. I've seen so many tower of powers that you might want to make this one really impressive or people might get bored. Have fun Forging!
This looks good, I thought about making a ToP map but didn't know how I would make the tower. Other than that though: Embed your pictures. I think someone already told you how.