
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by czwfan2002, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. czwfan2002

    czwfan2002 Ancient
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    A simple map for a close combat fast paced team game or free-for-all. This map includes 5 weapons: Flamethrower, Sniper Rifle, Battle Rifle, Sentinel Beam and Energy Sword all strategically placed to require teamwork. Each side of the level has a raised base for the longer range combat, each side also has a sword room that is only accessible via a teleporter to prevent sword camping, it also gives the teams a place that the Sentinel Beam and Flamethrower cannot penetrate but a BR and Sniper can. The Sniper is in a neutral base in the center of the map that is protected by a shield door as you have to grenade jump up to it, it also prevents Snipe camping upon gaining the Sniper. Next to the Sniper base is between to Overshield spawns that respawn every 30 second but the room seals itself after 3 minutes to get rid of the Overshields. If a player is locked in the room at this point a Rocket Launcher will spawn so you can commit suicide. The Sentinel Beams are located in raised rooms on the right side of the map, in these rooms there are also 2 plasma grenades, this means there are only 4 plasma grenades on the map, this prevents a lot of grenade whoring but there is enough to use tactically. Equipment included is: Power Drain, Regenerater and Flare.

    This map is not built to support Assault Rifles.

    More pictures...

    Let me know what you think
    #1 czwfan2002, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  2. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    looks really fun. it looks a little like vulture killing would be a problem on this map but sometimes that makes games fun. nice job making though. i like the shield doors that span the arena they add to the stategy and play.
  3. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
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    Good map my friend! It looks like you thought things through and how weapons would affect gameplay (which many people don't do). Maybe a bit small, but definetly playable. Looks like a good strategy map. From the pics i can see you know how to interlock, so for your next forgerific creation i'd love to see you use more of that.

    I'd also like to know how the teleporters work. I see two senders and at least one receiver up top, but from there i'm lost.
  4. Techne

    Techne Ancient
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    I've made a few arena maps and I don't think teleportering into the map is necessary, and a little bothersome. Let's say they get the sniper or sword and just camp the teleporter and kill anyone who comes threw. Unless of course they spawn inside the map, then I'm just rambling haha. Also, I know you have to get the power weapons stratigecally, but I still think there are to many power weapons for such a small map and it could be over-powering. I qued it anyways and I'm going to try it.
  5. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    good first map post... not so good first map. 3/5
  6. czwfan2002

    czwfan2002 Ancient
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    You don't teleport into the map, the teleporters just take you into small fence box rooms thats are visible from inside the map to where the sword is hidden, you don't need to teleport into the map. Just to clear that one up.

    Also in any game it gets a little hectic meaning power weapons are not always going to own the game. Anyway thanks for the comments so far.
  7. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Looks allright, nothing for me though.
    One thing that no-one has mentioned yet; It looks VERY easy to escape. A grenade and a jump and you-re out. That is very problematic according to me.
  8. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    This map looks like a straight-forward, shoot him before he shoots me sort of map. I like it. 9/10
  9. czwfan2002

    czwfan2002 Ancient
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    I tried to make the map so it is not possible to escape from, nobody has so far but it remains to be seen if anyone will.
  10. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    I could do it and send you a screenshot. It's very simple to judge by the screenshots.

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