Well I got bored and made the V2 early. Yes I have no life. Simplistic V2 Created by Pacman Wizard Supported Gametypes: Slayer. That's it. Map Description A really simple 1v1/2v2/3v3 map for people who just want a quick game while waiting for someone/something etc. Made in an 2 hours for the sake of it. I'd just like to say that every piece of scenery in the map is interlocked. And this whole map is symmetrical. There are two sets of spawns. A spawn is an open double-box and half of it is interlocked into the wall. This is protected by a shield door which cover the only entrance to the spawn. As you leave the spawn, directly to your right is a battle rifle. Then directly to your left is two plasma grenades. Left then right at the plasma grenades will take you to the main room in the map . In the centre of this is a Shotgun. There are now two fences in the main area and behind them are Spike Grenades. A second level is now in place and there are more rooms, connected by teleporters. Thats basically the map. Here are the photos: Sorry there's no action shots. Thanks to: jmzmon jmzmon(1) SnappierDragon SnappierDragon(1) Me and my Brother, for playtesting this map over a course of 15-20 games.
this map looks pretty good i always liked 2v2 maps. a couple of walls could straightend up. a good way to do this would be take the bottom side of a box and then sit the wall flat against it and if theres a shotgun on the map thogh i didnt see one you should delete the shield doors cause some people would grab the shotgun and camp behind a shield door. so good job and keep forgin. 4/5
Yes, I will take these into consideration when making the V3, anything after that will be taken into consideration for the Final version of this. Thanks for the comments anyway.
Like the people above me I say that in a V3 I would like to see that wall in the 4th and 5th picture straightened out. Also I'm a little concerned about a Shotgun in a small map that uses shield doors... Not a great combination, especially if the only spawnpoints are in those shield door boxes. This could lead to a lot of spawn-camping/killing and camping in general. If you want, you could take some pictures in Forge to show us where the spawnpoints are exactly.
this looks reall good for 1 on 1 i could play this alot it is the type of map i like but i agree i would raise the walls and also the last pic that double wall is a bit sloppy
This looks like a well built and simplistic map. The only things bad with this map are the shotgun and shied doors and the walls (both already addressed). While this does look like a well built map it may be a little too simplistic for me. It may be good for 3 matches, but there's nothing that makes me want to play it again. However, I would like to see how you do at making a more complicated map that uses a lot of forging 101 techniques. Can't wait to see your next creation!
I think this map might be too small for even 1v1 but still with the walls you could improve on a bit. You do have a lot of things left over so that seems like a lack of effort on your part 3/5
you were right it is very simple but a few changes are to maybe raise the walls and but better structures in so it is more apealing to the eye. not bad work tho
I am yet to upload this map and V1 to my file share. Sorry about that. Will be done ASAP. *EDIT* 1. I just thought, who wants to download V1? V2 has just been released! 2. I believe V1 or V2 is on my File Share, because I can remember putting it up there. Theres some other stuff there aswell, D/L and rate them if you want to. 3. My Gamertag = Pacman Wizard.