Original map: Foundry Description: The narrow hallways and sharp corners were key in Spartan basic training. 2-12 players. Facility 023 is a symmetrical map designed to work for all default game types. Team Slayer, Slayer, Assault, VIP, CTF, Juggernaut, Territories, KOTH, you name it. (Not setup for infection) It is a maze-ish map with a lot of hard work and hours into it, with equal: spawn point placement, weapon placement, weapon spawn times. Each team has a base for objective games with 3 ways in to take/plant the flag/bomb. There are 2 back entrances (relic-esque) with a shortcut box-hop towards the front. Fusion cores are constantly exploding on the second level to 1)prevent you from getting onto the second level and 2)to keep you inside the map boundaries. Occasionally a fusion core falls on your head, making an extra element of danger besides the tight spaces and confines of the map. Weapons featured: Flamethrower Rocket Launchers Firebombs Frags Spike Grenades Battle Rifles Carbines SMG's Spikers Plasma Rifles Magnums Assault Rifles Shotguns Energy Sword Maulers Sniper Rifle Equipment featured: Bubble Shield Radar Jammer (really usefull in objective games) NOW FOR SOME ACTION SHOTS!!!! DL link: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
The map looks a bit messy, some of the walls aren't strait and I don't see any interlocking. The map also seems to have a lot of power weapons for a Competitive map.
The gameplay may be good but from what I can tell it looks as if you have rushed this map a bit. First off I don't see any interlocking, now i know that this is not a requirement but you will get a few nay sayers over this small fact. Second from your weapons list you have power weapons galore which would kinda wreck your gameplay unless your map is really big( I don't know if it is because you didn't state it in your post. Finally you have too many different types of grenades on the map. You should read Debo37's Guide to grenade placement HERE. All in all it looks like a decent map that has a lot of potential.
I was going to say about the weapons .. I think you should use less powerful weapons .. Like spikers, BRs, ARs .. But i think the map looks pretty good .. Good job!
the first thing i n oticed were the walls werent lined uyp strait, I also noticed no interlocking, which isnt a problem as long as the map is done well. I also noticed there is a lot of power weapons, but the map cannot be too big because its on foundry. Overall its good, that was just constructive critisicm.
I guess that everyone above me was to busy giving constructive criticism that no one decided to DL and test it... I know because no one mentioned that the DL link is broken... If you're going to criticize his map, at least DL and test it too
i like the map i think that powerful weapons are not really very good in this type of map i mean they arn't all that powerful i like the idea of the map it is very nice and i thought it was a maze at first from the top pics why is there the fusion coils blowing up in the first pic?
I really like the looks of this map and I agree that you do not need to use interlocking on this map (not necissary, just would make it nicer). I like how the streets are so tight that you never know what's around the corner. The fusion coils constantly going off are genius for a boundary, and they also make the map feel like a war zone (=. You may want to reconsider weapons and there are a few walls that you could make straighter for a v2. Also if you have any money left (or if you want to go the extra mile and use the money glitch) add some crates, cones, barrels, spools, dumpsters, etc. to make it look and feel more like an urban warfare map. 4/5 (it would also be cool if you made some catwalks)