this is probably nothing, but i noticed that the sketch of purple reign released in the last update had all four grenades in the HUD. I thought this may mean that the firebomb may be included in a multiplayer map by default for the first time. Any thought?
The reason they haven't added them to MM is becuase the graphics they could possibly use up so much part of the graphics etc, it would make the game lag alot. But if they do include one, I doubt it will be used alot.
i see no evedence that there will be fire bombs. He was merly showing that it would be possibly to have a fire bomb. But likes Mr. Moustache's thought they could also be in forge mode
It doesn't prove anything. They always show up in the Hud, Even when you don't have them. It will be faded with a 0 next to it.
I heard from a friend that fire bombs are glitched or something .. So i doubt they would be used if they were ..
They don't ever use them in the MM maps... a long with several other things, like deployable cover, prowlers, etc. IDK why but i guess the game'll probly play better w/o firebombs so theres no "OMG!!" about it.
People say that they don't put firebombs in MM for lag reasons, but there's a flamethrower on construct, so wouldn't that be pretty much the same thing. And deployable cover is underrated.
well firebombs are a little overpowered in my opinion. They essential function as a third sticky. Hit some with it and in a few seconds their incinerated. In addition they can be used like flare because they will obstruct your vision. Thirdly, they will burn on any surface, which can make pathways unblockable, which leads to excessive camping, especially if the person camping has easy access to them. So it makes sense to me as to why they aren't in matchmaking, they obstruct the power balance the other three grenades have. though if i did have to rank the grenades according to usability and power, i would say: 1. Firebomb (reasons mentioned above) 2. Plasma (sticks, thrown at feet will kill - unlike frag -, can be used in ways similar to a frag) 3. Frag (standard grenade, depletes sheilds with one but doesn't kill, bouncable, larger blast radius) 4. Spike (narrow blast radius, tricky to throw)
Woah waylander, calm down, the first thing a said was that it was probably nothing. I was simply speculating, and seeing what the views of other forgehub members were. Chill.