Determination Map: FoundryGametypes: All4-8 Players Recommended Description: Disappointed by the default Foundry and most of the maps on Bnet being more for looks than function I decided to try to make a map that functions more than just look pretty. The map is perfectly symmetrical, at each base there are 2 BRs, 2 carbines, 1 brute shot and a regenerator along with a mancannon which launches the player into the air where they hit a sign, fall through a turned open box with a bubble shield in it, and land in the middle of the map. On each side of the bases theres a double box with 2 spikers and stairs leading to the opposite base or an alternate route which leads 1 mauler and the center of the map. In the center of the map there are 2 needlers on the lower level each in a single open box. On the upper level there are 4 plasma rifles (2 on each side) and 1 sword directly in the center of the map.
Oh mmk. I see what the map looks like now. Interesting ideas, although I don't see many weapons. Regardless, queued.
I like the idea of making a simple small foundry map. I completely agree with your weapon placement, except I don't think the carbine and BR should be so close together, so that you can find at least one of those in the field. I didn't think that the mancannons were necessary though. As I stated, this map isn't huge, and you use the mancannons to bring us to the center. But by modifying my angle of approach even slightly, I was able to bypass the barrier and hit the other base. If you really wanted a slightly quicker way to hit the middle, I would recommend one-way teleporters, but even those might be a little overkill. And one last thing, would you care to explain the reasoning behind tilted open boxes as opposed to say, stairs or bridge ramps? But overall, this is a pretty fun small team map.
I get where you're going with the BR and Carbine being so close together and I guess I didn't think about approaching the mancannon from a different angle. The reasoning behind having open boxes instead of stairs is because those don't provide cover while an open box protects you from all sides except the front and back. I thought it would be better to have more cover at those spots to add a little more cover to the map overall because other than those boxes nowhere is safe from people with BRs or Carbines on the upper level.