The Hill This is an assymmetric map with a building type structure in the left corner. This map is meant for slayer no required gametype really... It has some cover as well as a turret and 2 rooms hidden by pallets and a teleporter hidden by pallets. I honestly think this map plays great but that for you to decide no isnt it lol. Other than the building thing there are boxes and crates and walls yay boxes! lol Well I have no more to say so on to the pics.(This is only my second post go easy plz lol) Here is an Overview Here is another And another lol... Here is inside the top left door of the previous pic Here is inside the top right And heres inside the bottom "door" Now that you've "seen" the map lets show you how it plays! And here is another link to download (other in title) Made by xK33BL3RKILL3Rx
this map looks really good. i love how you made both an open map and like a closed in map all in one. good job. 5/5
Flipping the boxes and using interlocking and geomerging would improve this map. but its still pretty good. the basic concept is good and the weapons are balanced and its overall, despite not using advanced forging techniques as often as you should've, well constructed. 8/10 good map.
The maps lately are looking great, especially this one. Another screenshot of (and or) from the left of the first shot would be nice
its alright flip z boxes around so it looks better also how do you get up onto the hill i dont see a way.
where the mongoose is there is a hidden ramp and under the turret by the crates there is a pallett removable door that leads to a teleporter
Looks pretty good. Nice interlocking. Maybe merge some of the open boxes for maximum smoothness but good job. Not a really good name though.
box flipping would impove your map alot. and armories are a bad idea in competative games, causes bad camping.