Debate The Return of BIGFOOT

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Y35 <3, Jul 29, 2008.


Is he real? (its that simple)

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Ok, so i noticed in the debate section, theres Cultures, religions, items (apple/mac) and whatnot, but i havent seen a Myth yet.

    What are your guys's Thoughs about BIGFOOT, Obviously you've heard about him when you were growing up, and the guy that admitted it was him, but still there are people devoting their whole lives to finding this strange creature.

    Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
    Bigfoot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Shadowlands Bigfoot Page
    Bigfoot Encounters
    HowStuffWorks "Tabloid Stories"
    And thats just on the first page of a 356,000 library at google.

    So i ask you...

    Is he real?
    Is he fake?
  2. E93

    E93 Guest


    How would bigfoot have ever come to life? Were Abe Lincoln and Queen Latifah his parents?

    In this case, I stick with the science, and bigfoot, in my point of view, isn't scientifically posible.

    My answer to the vid questions:
    1. It was burned, probably
    2. Because they want to stick to the story that saying it's real.

    And don't forget to turn your sig off.
    #2 E93, Jul 29, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2008
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I think with all of the big foot believers/supporters out there we would have found this creature by now. It's an interesting legend, but certainly not true.
  4. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    um i'm not sure these are the monster quest videos because i didn't watch all of them but if they are just a jok video then my bad.

    bigfoot is kinda hard to beleive...
    but there is good evedince of him

    for one scientist have found foot prints in the wild that are huge. and they are real foot prints because the fact that they actually have finger/toeprints. they have so much detail it can't be a costums lined feet.

    next is the origanal film of bigfoot that is shown in Y35 it sows the bigfoot walking. on the show it showed the original footage of that and they got an athlete to try and walk like the bigfoot did in the film. he tried but couldn't suceed with out breaking his legs.

    bigfoot is hard to belevie but who knows?
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I seriously, and I mean seriously doubt that big foot is real. With todays technology and people's belief in this thing it seems impossible for something like this to exist and not have real 100% accurate proof.
  6. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    i think its real but really just a animal and nothing else. maybe it is as big as a threat as a single bear but nothing ground breaking
  7. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    A few years back I saw a bunch of hoax shows on Discovery Channel (not sure about the network) like Bigfoot and the Chupacabra. Although the Patterson film was unable to be proven fake, a lot of people who knew him were skeptical of him and his film.

    Anyways, the chances that Bigfoot exists is astronomically low. Unless the only Bigfoot to exist has lived in this time period, there would have to be at least 2, and they would need to mate and nest and feed their young. And the fact that no one has found any evidence of any Bigfoot related activities except stories and a poor quality film just makes it harder to believe.

    But I guess if we ever do find one, I'll be the one kicking myself.
  8. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Actuelly, i watched a minute or two of those videos and they seem really really detailed, maybe someday (unlikely) i'll get around to all 9 minutes lol
  9. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    IMO, I think bigfoot is just a legend. People can always buy or make a costume that looks like a hairy monster, but if he does exist, he is probably just a human with mutated DNA.
  10. Dominic Poulin

    Dominic Poulin Ancient
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    Beati poperes spiritu...

    Some people simply give opinions, unbased on any research whatsoever. They never saw any, so it does not exist. Centuries ago their ancestors said the earth cannot be different than flat. Round? Ludicrous!
    Just read without prejudice the web sites of serious researchers in states like Oregon, Washington, Montana, and British Columbia in Canada. See the thousands of related incidents, some serious people, just like you and me, that never "believe" or ask themselves the question, and then suddently meet one in the bush. Then simply open your mind and ask yourself why would these ordinary people, policemen, housewifes, doctors, university professors, baseball players, girls-next-door, etc, face ridicule by telling their stories without remuneration. Just to share their knowledge to their fellow contrymen.
    Arguments listed here, when there are some, are just weak, to say the least. Granted some guys come from Missouri, but just simply try to open your mind to the unknown.

    First, nobody should "believe" or not in bigfoot (I prefer the name sasquatch, personnally, a name coming from hundreds of years of experience of the North American Indians). It is not a religion that you believe in or not, it is just a matter of facts and empirical studies.
    Second, look at the comments herein and ask yourself why you would spend your time reading them, instead of browsing through the sites of sightings and field trips done by researchers. "Obviously you've heard about him when you were growing up, and the guy that admitted it was him..." Some cases were hoaxes, obviously, since some guys just can't resist a stupid joke, but serious investigations prove them to be hoaxes. On a hundred cases, some will be hoaxes, but it does not prove the non-reality of the animal, it just prove some people have time to loose. The Patterson film was studied for more than twenty years and never proven fake.

    "How would bigfoot have ever come to life? Were Abe Lincoln and Queen Latifah his parents? In this case, I stick with the science, and bigfoot, in my point of view, isn't scientifically possible." Let's simply ignore the introduction of this post, as it does not really add anything helpful to the study, and simply reflect on the sentence: "isn't scientifically possible". OK, then, what science investigation has this person performed to conclude this? Why would that be scientifically impossible? THousands of new species of insects, flowers, birds, monkeys, are discovered by zoologists in field trips in the Amazone basin every year, so science records are far from being complete on the habitants of this planet. It is with serious field trips that eventually we will get more conclusive proof of the existence of the sasquatch. Some paleontologists think that this beast can be a Gigantopithecus that has been living for as long as man has, and survived glaciations simply because he was fit to do so, covered with hair. As described, it is undoubtedly at the top of the food chain! Its only predator is man, armed with a firearm. Since sightings and analysis of squatts found indicate that it is omnivorous, therefore more suited to last than pandas which eat only bamboos. Some other paleontologists think that it appears more related to the Neanderthal, but they conclude it would be an hominid in any cases, perhaps an unknown one. DNA samples or hairs found were analyzed and they resembled human DNA with some chromosomes being more like ape-like ones. Eventually we will get more data on this; DNA analyses should carry on, when samples of hair are coming from the brave field researchers. Finding a new flower is less dangerous than finding a live 8 foot high ape-like creature. This makes field trips difficult. Even if you kill a sasquatch, how would you bring it back from a deep forest if it weights 800 pounds? You would need a pre-planned helicopter, and a contract with some scientists and journalists who would be ready to dissect it upon his arrival in some organized city. There are costs linked to this proposition. Easier to deal with a flower... Then if you kill one, since it appears to be an hominid with an almost human face, you may face the FBI investigation, since it is almost human. Read your state laws, and remember that in one state (I believe it is Oregon, I saw that somewhere on the web) it is illegal to kill a sasquatch. All this makes research difficult.
    It does not cooperate well with researchers, being nocturnal, bad-tempered, and having a territorial behaviour. It does not want humans to come too close, and we can't really blame him for that, some people having the habit of shooting first and asking questions later... If I would have time I would join the field research teams in B.C. (There is one next week on Vancouver island), try to kill one with a powerful firearm and then plead self-defense later. A good lawyer would get me out of it; judging from the size of the beast, it is easy to convince a judge that you got scare when it pursued you in the woods at a faster speed than yours, yelling angrily... Scary thought... Unfortunately to prove it exists, we may have to kill one, unless we are equipped with powerful soporific darts.

    "I seriously, and I mean seriously doubt that big foot is real. With todays technology and people's belief in this thing it seems impossible for something like this to exist and not have real 100% accurate proof" I would answer that very few organized scientific trips were conducted to date. One can say that there is no funds given by our governments to organize a serious expedition well equipped with all you need to capture one and bring it to civilization. Look at the remote locations they inhabit, look at the care they take to avoid close contact with humans, and understand that no sasquatch will show one morning, lost on Capitol Hill in Washington DC!! Lots of evidences were found, hair samples, footprints, films, photographs, but all this is inconclusive since we can easily dismiss them as being fakes! Apparently we need a body to really close the case of the existence of the sasquatch. And then only we would find the money and the scientists to organize a real expedition and bring one alive. Then we can start the real study. For the moment, journalists are not really helping, they make derogative jokes in their documentaries and articles on the sasquatch, like some comments above. Science has to be open-minded, and is not for everyone I guess.

    So conclusions: there appears to be a race of hominid unknown to science, seen by thousands of people in North America and elsewhere (Australia, Thibet, China), even by Sir HIllary, the first man on top of Everest, who testified to having seen one on the slope of a mountain while approaching the base of Everest in the fifties. The overwhelming majority of people describe the beast as being: a large shoulders and tall ape-like creature, with brown hair, almost no neck, a cone-shape head, large flat nose, black eyes like a gorilla (no white area in his eyes), very long arms coming almost to its knees, long stride (5 feet), very specific, unique and loud yells (some were taped, hear these sounds on internet sites, it is interesting), a territorial attitude to chase humans off its habitat. With the multitude of people looking for him in the woods, no doubt we will eventually get more conclusive proof, like a body. But we must acknowledge that it is far more difficult to find one in the woods and to bring it back than the new races of small Brazilian monkeys we see on National geographic, giving its characteristics. And the day someone bring one back from the deep woods, some people will "be the ones kicking themselves!"
    #10 Dominic Poulin, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  11. soregz132

    soregz132 Ancient
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    bigfoot is real its also known as the manbearpig
  12. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    The manbearpig was a made up animal from south park....If so, people will believe anything these days lol
  13. Dominic Poulin

    Dominic Poulin Ancient
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    Answer on possible ancestry

    To answer the question on the possible ancestry of the sasquatch, no it does not come from Abe Lincoln... read this interesting article for an eye-opener on the paleontological possibilities.

    Bigfoot: The Ancestry of Sasquatch - by Chas Reed 1984

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