High up. or locked in. the zombies are coming from every direction. Hold your fort on the beach or split from the group. Really fun infection map. map-Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Try it. Thanks
I've always wanted to say this. Your post does not meet ForgeHub standards. Seriously upload some pics.
You people are lame how about instead of leaving him like an idiot actually tell him how to upload pictures. 1. Take some pictures of your map in theather mode. 2. Go on Bungie.net and find the pictures, click on it then drag the photo to your desktop. 3. Then go to imageshack.us or photobucket.com and upload the pictures. 4 make sure they are the right size then upload them. 5.Take the pictures and post the url link and put Their you go :]
none of you helped him and are all spaming. To add pics go to the community maps section and read the sticky about map posting. you have 24 to fix it or the thread gets locked. sorry posted at same time as guy above me
this map is bland, unappealing, and offers nothing new to forge. much more work should be done before you post anything else. oh, and welcome to forgehub. i always wanted to do that