::Fissure::If you can see the enemy, he can see you. You never know what lies on the other side of the hills: here is where bravery counts. :ownload Fissure:: Before I tell you about my new (And personal favorite) map, let me explain my mentality when it comes to making maps. I am a Moderator on H3Customs.com; a website dedicated to hosting constant custom games. Because of that, gameplay and fun are vital to me. Maps aren't a work of art to me: they are a canvas for intense, exciting games to unfold. I pay attention to Aesthetics, but they are less important to me. I won't guarantee it is the best looking map you've ever found: but I guarantee it will be a blast to play with friends. _______________ Fissure brings a new meaning to the word "unique", with its winding, curved hallways and bridge hills. Experience intensity in CTF, Slayer, Assault, or any team game, like never before. One high, sloped wall looms above the rest, while others divide the battlefield. Teamwork and map control will be tested. It is Asymmetrical, although the sides are balanced and very similar. These are the weapons/equipment/vehicles on the map. Item | Number on Map | Respawn Time | Spare Clips (If Necessary) Black = Weapon Blue = Vehicle Red = Equipment AR | 2 | 30 | 2 BR | 4 | 30 | 2 Shotgun | 1 | 150 | 2 Sniper Rifle | 2 | 120 | 2 SMG | 2 | 45 | 2 PR | 2 | 45 | N/A PP | 2 | 30 | N/A Brute Shot | 1 | 45 | 1 Fuel Rod Gun | 1 | 45 | 1 Machine Gun Turret | 2 | 60 | N/A Warthog | 2 | 90 | N/A Chopper | 2 | 120 | N/A Tripmine | 2 | 90 | N/A Plasma Grenade | 4 | 10 | N/A Deployable Cover | 1 | 45 | N/A Radar Jammer | 1 | 45 | N/A Pictures: (Captions on Bottom) A view of the center wall. A view of one of the two symmetrical bases. They are symmetrical. Flags spawn sideways, on the back bridge. The only difference is that one base has a radar jammer, and one has a deployable cover. One of the two sides of the battlefield. Note the bridge hills: two on each side. An overview of the other side. The hills make for very interesting warthog invasions. One of the two sniper towers in the back. They are different in design, but both have a Sniper rifle at the top. The B signs are merged into the double box. The other sniper tower. I'd love comments and ratings, but especially downloads. Maps weren't meant to be a work of art, to be stared at, but to be played.
this is a nice and neat map! the interlocking is really good! the floating objects are okay, but the combat seems fun and action packed. 4/5
this actually look very nice it has good paths and height but i'm not so sure i like vehicles other than the mongoose in foundry 4/5. good interlocking and design.
Thanks. This was the first map that I really focused on using guides to perfect the interlocking. Floating objects still frustrate me... -_- EDIT: Jumpah, the vehicles have a habit of negating each other, plus, you can easily avoid them by going over walls. They're not as much of a threat as much as for transport.
Thanks. I've had lots of Customs in my day, and there are tons of Foundry maps that can actually suit 12-16 people.
What is up with the naming of earthquake related stuff and putting the out the same day that there was an earthquake in California??? Aftershock, Fissure...HMM. Nice map though =)
looks kinda like my map, very nice job. i like how there are rows of double boxes ceating lanes for combat. 100000000000000000000000000000000/100000000000000000000000000000000