can anybody help me make a gametype that makes it so you win by surviving? EDIT: I mean that so only the last man can get points..... i tried making zombie kill 0 and last man bonus 1 and everything happened except what wanted
You can win by giving points to last man standing. Was that a question you asked? And all infection games the point is to win by surviving, and not dying.
Could you detail your question a little more? It just seems like your asking for the normal Infection gametype.
1- I'm really not sure this is the right place to post this, I wouldn't know though. 2- Try just adding a set time limit. Anyone alive still should win. If not: Try editing the amount of points the zombies get per kill/infect. If they get negative points, that will make sure surviving humans win.
Maybe this will help it's an old topic, someone had the same question.
the way I would do it is by either saying that you don't get points unless you are the last man standing, or the last man standing gets the highest possible points for being last man. (10 I think).
or the more complex way is to make the last man standing be invulnrable have 4x oversheilds, active camo, and increase his damage meter to instant kill and give him a rocket... then he just has to kill all the zombies to win :squirrel_giggle: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
I always thought you could give humans points for every minute they survive. Buuuuut I guess not. That's ANOTHER THING Bungie missed.