TNT Polo Created by TrueDarkFusion and SargeantSarcasm YouTube - TNT Polo Bringing new meaning to sport games in an explosive way! TNT Polo is a map designed to break the tension and absurdity of long competitive gaming sessions and the monotony behind popular sports games such as Grifball, and its many successors. However, despite it being classified in the same field as the games mentioned above, it is not an epic failure of a game like FH’s proud Bolla, or even an imitation of Grifball. No, it is something entirely different. 6-8 Players Recommended. The game works as follows: There are two teams situated on opposing sides of an open field A fusion coil is positioned neatly between the two opposing factions Each player is given an SMG and 0% damage Opponents can only kill one another through the skillful use of assassinations radar is off to increase strategy Players can shoot/push/melee the fusion coil without fear since the fusion coil only explodes after excessive bullets have hit it. When the coil explodes, it resets in the center of the map The corners of the map have mancannons to prevent the fusion coil from getting stuck Take note of your half of the field's color Side A = yellow Side B = red Players on side A push the fusion coil to side B's hole to score After the round ends, players reset on the opposite side There are a total of 5, 3-minute rounds The Scoring Mechanism Each goal consists of 3 parts The hole: square-shaped with slanted fence walls interlocked downward The chute: small drop-shoot directly below, and interlocked into the slanted walls. Has teleporters at it's entrance, with a grav-lift centered inside for propulsion. The teleporters are used to keep cheaters from prematurely dropping into the goal, it shoots players into the center of the map, facing their own hole. The bottom: a turret lies on top of a bomb spawn point, which in turn lies directly above a bomb plant point[/font] Weapon pick-up is off mainly due to keeping players from picking up the turret, and dual-wielding SMGs The coil drops down through the hole and teleporter, into a chute, and destroys the turret, which in turn, spawns on top of the receiving teleporter, thus blocking the cheat-prevention device. The team that has just deactivated the teleporters may now jump into the hole pick up the bomb, which instantly detonates, thus earning the team 1 point. Strategy There are two important types of players in this game, that are absolutely essential to winning, and two more roles that people tend to take on. Brawler: The Brawler is the teammate dedicated to assassinating everyone on the other team, thus leaving the hole open to score. Carrier: The Carrier is the one who actively pursues pushing the fusion coil and scoring, they usually don't bother themselves with assassinations. Guard: The Guard protects the carrier from assassinations and helps push the fusion coil forward. Defender: The Defender tends to hang back and watch for potential assassinations on their teammates, furthermore, they help push the fusion coil from their position near their hole with precision shots. They are the last line of defense should their team fail to keep the fusion coil on the other side of the court. A POWER PLAY is when one team is outnumbered, due to a prevalence of assassinations, thereby leaving the aggressive team with the upper hand due to 10 second respawns. This is not any ordinary fusion coil. It is the focus of the game and ultimately the ball of TNT Polo. As you can see TNT Arena is not quite as large as Foundry, but it almost spans the entire length. All this space leaves plenty of room to maneuver the coil around the field in an attempt to score a goal on your opponent. The coil rests peacefully at center court before the coming storm hits. This coil is in for a bumpy ride. The opposing teams face off at the start of the round as they view the targeted coil. The teams will soon be locked in an epic battle, trying to navigate the coil into the opposing team's hole. Opposing Carriers attempt to gain control over the coil while Brawlers from each team try to flank the opposition. A red team Brawler manages to assassinate a blue team Carrier, resulting in a powerplay for the red team. A pair of red team Carriers manage to navigate the coil to the blue team's hole despite attempted defense on part of the blues. A member of the red team has jumped down the chute to grab the bomb and ultimately score for their team. Pretty fireworks! That's one more point for the red team! Download TNT Arena Download TNT Polo Game Variant View Original Forge Hub Thread for more Info
Looks like an awesome minigame, i new it would get featured. I really wanted to play this, but my xbox broke, so i didn't have the chance. From what i can see, it looks really epic. Its a super original idea, and hope i get to play it someday.
Wasn't this already featured? lol, I must be losing it. Anyways, this new twist Grifball inspires my too make my own cool mini game.
i have a question... how come it got featured then was taken off? anyways like i posted back then it looks great for times after turny battles and after MM and some epic campaign gameing. i think it is a good mini game for play after hard gameing. also just for fun too! and like i said in the last post... TNT! DYNAMITE!
Whoa. Gotta download. This is the most original map and gametype pack I have ever seen. And sounds like fun ;P.
this map was surprisingly fun when we played it on tgif but the bomb does explode every once in a while.
now obviously this is a map and game where you must keep score in your head its not part of the game so in other words, choose a scorekeeper wisely. and the map is very neat. excellent interlocking.
I see you didnt read the post, good job there... you drop the fusion coil in the hole, when it explodes, you jump down the hole and pick up the bomb, which ends the round, thus earning your team a point...
actually i had read the post but my brother had a torrent up therefore my computer loaded really slow and didnt load everything in the post so i assumed there was nothing else. sorry about that but i'll say it again it looks cool EDIT: lol now i see where it says there's a bomb that plants instantly.
no problem, just a lot of people look at the pictures and assume they know everything about it, i thought you were one of those people... and thanks