Then it just disappears, and never respawns again. I really want a "dimensions" option for object. If I could block away the Foundry bases with one wall each it would allow a lot more inventory, budget, and less items, so much better maps can be built. Also, the "double box, open" would have so many cool uses if you could change it's dimensions. Make it longer, and smaller, put a pallet in front, you made a vent. Make it slightly higher so the top is flat with the above floor. Make it really big so it's some kind of cool looking entrance to a large base. And that big wall between the two Foundry bases, I want to be able to delete it, and those annoying really low parts of the ceiling, they need to go.
But if they did that they would have to include a changing budget cost for the item. They have certain budget costs for a reason, partly on size, on movement, etc.
I would like if Bungie fixed it so an object does not move when you grab onto it in monitor mode, it screws so many people up when trying to delicately arrange an object perfectly. Also, it would be amazing if Bungie released an app where you could basically be in forge, only on your computer. That way you can place everything where you want it more easily, and faster. Than you could download it to your xbox through some type of xbox live web service, or even with a flash drive or memory card.
Make sure maximum runtime is at 1. So then, even though an object is moved or picked up, it wont respawn unless it needs to replace itself.
I think that the non moving thing would probably be easy to do, and it would also add a lot to forge. If they could make the objects not fly in when they spawn too, that would allow a lot more things to be created. If you build a ceiling, suddenly you can't spawn stuff on your map anymore, this needs to be fixed.
forge glue. Basicly you can attach anything to anything, I know there is intertwining but it is kind of limited. I would love to stick a turret on the back of a mongoose.
Bungie should make every tool that Garry's Mod uses. Weld Tool, rope tool, pulley tool, wheel tool, nail gun tool, axis tool...I could go on... I also think you should be able to spawn biped models (characters). Even if they don't move, you should be able to spawn a person somewhere.
why not make HALO FORGE THE GAME. have a really good forge system in a different game. then you could uplaod the maps to halo. that would make room for SO MUCH MORE FORGE.
I'd love to see more wall options, 1/4 walls, Half-Circle, and 1/4 circle curved walls would be cool...
I would love the forge to have a bots section so you could place ai like brutes, grunts, hunters, soldiers, ODST's, all of em' so your maps could truly be amazing, you could have giant wars and if you didnt have xbox live you could still have loads of fun. You would be able to set them to a team and they would obey the game objective and you would be able to adjust their skill levels.
FTW. Also, skinning of objects from a select pallet. It wouldn't even need to be that many skins, but 3 textures that could be changed at will would take the drab out of Foundry.
You are holding something in midair, you press (x) and select stabilize. This locks it in midair so it wont fall down.
1. Changing textures 2. Skinning 3. A wall tool (think of it like the sims) 4. Vehicle/Weapon customizers 5. environmental effects (as in weather) 6. Auto Floating/balance (things stay exactly where you put them) 7. Lemons rule the world and Chuck Norris is my sidekick :squirrel_rocking: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck: