....and it looks siiiiiiiick. Check out some pics: Even if the gameplay hasn't changed one bit, I am sold. How about you? Edit: Ya, I know, I spelled Calibur wrong. Ooops.
I've always loved the Soul Caliber series, and this game looks like a lot of fun. Who wouldn't want to play as Darth Vader?
Is there going to be a character customizing thingy? I haven't been paying attention to the latest updates, but now I wish I have. And woot, vader
Yep. You can customize your character. I don't know how in depth it will be yet, but from what I hear, it's more than adequate. I also believe the quest portion of the game is centered around your customized character. If you choose to use one.
*raises hand* Well, to be fair, I wouldn't want to play as him in my Soul Calibur. That's all. Totally ridiculous. Anywho, I totally could have had this, but I went and spent all my money on tickets for Mayhem Fest. It was totally worth the $60 tickets, sun burn, and dehydration, but I still really, really want my SC4.
It looks cool, but sadly you can't play yoda v. vader because one is on the 360 and the other on the PS3. =( Looks great still.
Well, they did put Spawn and Link in as playable characters is previous SC's. Darth and Yoda are cooler than either of those in my opinion,even though I love both Spawn and Link in their own respect. I am 99% sure you will be able to download each character to the opposing system. For a price I am sure.
I think those are the incredibly high-res PS3 screenshots The X360 will have great graphics, no doubt, but not that good.
i loved sc2 for the ps2. the graphics were great and i loved the cutscenes and unlocking things. too bad i cant play this cuz im waiting for my 360 coffin then another 3 weeks.
I remember. And I wasn't very happy with them throwing in Spawn. Link was cool, though, and he at least fit into the time frame. Heihachi was acceptable, I guess. My beef with Star Wars characters lies far deeper than fitting into the time frame, though.
time frame? Star Wars was a long time ago(it never stated how long ago) and they COULD travel through space. is this even important? lol They could just not throw in the fun little characters, but it's a nice little treat no matter who they put in the game. I was seriously god with Talim in SC2.
Wow i never knew Darth Vader was in it! I knew yoda was =] I had one of the old ones on Gamecube which Link was in .. It was pretty good .. I might buy this one!
I like it better than Tekken. Always have. To me it just has more personality and flair. LOTS of flair. Like 37 pieces of flair. But seriously, it's just as deep combat wise, and the characters all have weapons and most are just straight up badass looking. Plus, once again, YOU CAN PLAY AS DARTH VADER!!!
i heard yoda is a unfair character to play as. i hope if i get this game i wont go against all yodas. i want to play the apprentice though (The one from the force unleashed) hes pretty bad ass.
TALIM DID, AND STILL DOES, KICK COMPLETE ASS.(oops caps lock) Then don't post here. Also You cant customize yoda or vader and no other character can uuse there moves is what they said. "that would be unfair"