OK. now that i can see the map, 8/10. it looks really good. like the secret room. good to see interlocking. And welcome to FH. hope to see more of your maps.
Nice Map! I really like it, I don't know what I like about it. The layout draws me in for some reason. It looks like you put a lot of time into it to make a fun packed map. Witch really draws my attention is the dumpster 3 Minuit switch. Very cool. The interlocking looks very good and clean. All in all its a great map.
! Don't double post man, it's not very forgehubby to doublepost. Just edit the old one next time. Overal, good job, it looks great, and the first weapon room made me forgot that this was foundry. You also didn't give into temptation and put all 16 assault rifles in the area the size of a warthog, good work. 4/5