Hello. This is my second post so it might suck. The edge is a map that works for FFA slayer, team slayer and oddball. Download "tHe eDgE" Here Here are some pics: Next time i will have a list of weapons.
hey welcome to forge there are a lot of empty spots on the map that you should probaly fill and would make the map look a lot cooler. nice job on the interlockin and geo-merging 4/5
open as HECK, but sick at the same time...dont ask me i dont know how u pulled it off, but 4/5 nice!....although there is no "center"....and no aesthetics, but still 4/5 EDIT>->haha did you geomerge everything jsut to geomerge? haha nice
looks like some good geomerging and interlocking, but its not really a map, its very open and their all just single layer walls and what not
Ummm This map is really open and little cover and not much speical about it so i give it a 4/5 because seems like good gameplay nd i like the geomerging.
This looks really good for a second post. Oh, welcome to forge hub! I think your map looks very cool, but I think it looks a little simple and open. Though all that merging must have taken forever since all the objects are perfect. 4.5/5
looks really open and basic besides the fact that you used geomerging. i dont really think this would be a cool map. you might want to add a little more cover and use a little more of the upper area.
The geo-merging in this map is great, but otherwise the map is just a lot of spaced out cover. Its a nice first map though.
Excellent geomerging and for a second post this is good. Not that i'm one to pass judgement, still being a newbie, but this looks like you at least put a fair number of hours into it. Well done.
Even though this is a rather open map, I like how everything is geomerged. I think the only thing that could make this better is a few more cover spots... but make them movable objects... that way that cover can be blown away.
good map to empty tough ! the geomerging and interlocking is neat but like i said add some more items maybe a bridge or two then you'll be set!
well. congrats on useless geo-merging it looks like u have the skill to geo-merge. but i cant c ne thought out map in this. it seems like u placed objects, geo-merged them and let them be. id say have a plan b4 u go at it next time
The map does seem a little to open for my tastes and there doesnt seem to be that much of a concept since there are just a bunch of walls on the map for cover. I have to admit though the geomerging is excellent and I beg you to keep on forging cuz with your geomerging skills i bet you can put great maps out in the future. 3.5/5
its pretty basic + open, i'd give it a 3/5 not much forgery seems to have happened. spice it up some, it could be really good i just dont see, at this point, much direction or design
I dun get it. Your map isnt very interesting at all, and yet I like it. Lots of items to take cover behind would make this great for MLG. It could use some work, but you get the idea. 3.5/5