I have a idea, but it won't work because weapon holders fall through vehicles. My idea is to place a weapon holder on the back of a warthog, and pace a grav lift facing the front of the warthog. So that it will go a significant speed when activated. So one person would get in the hog, and not move. Another person would destroy a grav lift making the one on the hog spawn. I have tried placing a door on the hog to place the weapon holder on, but I forgot it was immovable. Can someone else try this, in a way it might work?
Either I am not understanding or you are forgetting that the weapon holder is also an immovable object. You cannot place it on the hog and have it move with it. What you could do is use a door or crate and place the holder, then place the grav lift. Proceed to make your switch (the grav lift being destroyed and spawning the other) and then place the Warthog beneath the weapon holder or in front of it. However, this should only give the hog a massive temporary speed boost. Im hoping this helps you.
Nvm, it seems what I had planned will not work. I was planning on making jet warthogs. I might try something like it anyway. If you like the idea you can help me. GT: NeonStalker
I would, but you cannot make unstationary grav lift (with the exception of falling or floating ones). And because grav lifts go through all objects but unstationary ones (like on foundry), the idea wouldn't work... It is annoying sometimes, being limited by what forge gives you.