ApexApex is a MLG style map with 4 reference points; -Yellow - Yellow is marked with a fence box with two custom power-ups in it. On each end is a wall on top of stairs with a mauler hidden behind them. In between the two door barricades is a rocket launcher which creates a mad scramble at the start. Whichever team gets it first has the upper hand. Also there's a dumpster on the side (Blocked out in this picture) that allows easy ascess to the middle. This side is more open and better for a sniper. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Green- Green is referenced by some strategically placed teleporter receivers. It is easily ascessed by middle. It also has a zig zag tunnel on the bottom with a couple of plasma grenades. On the top there is a little barricade for some emergency cover and a mauler within it. The stairs on each side is the only way back to the top. This side is very closed in and is great for mauler and beat down kills.---------------------------------------------------------------------- -Bases- Each of the bases are marked with red and blue for there respective teams. Two BR's and two Plasma grenades are located in each. The flags are also located here when playing CTF playtypes. The closeness and easy ascess is easy to get a quick capture, but the openess causes a real risk of getting killed by a straight run. Off the start the giant firefight across middle is great fun and nets the team with better aim and quicker reactions, some kills. The bases have some decent cover and a decent spot to hold out.---------------------------------------------------------------------- -Overview- There's an overview of the map and its layout. The only other power weapon not listed above is the sniper rifle which is right in the middle. Weapons: ............................................ |BR ....|.2 Clips|.30sec.respawn.|.14 total| |Sniper.|.2 Clips|.120sec.respawn|.1 total.| |Rockets|.1 Clip.|.120sec.respawn|.1 total.| |Mauler.|.1 Clip.|.120sec.respawn|.3 total.| |Carbine|.2 Clips|.90sec.respawn.|.4 total.| |Stickys|..N/A...|.30sec.respawn.|.14 total| |Frags..|...N/A..|.10sec.respawn.|.16 total| Link: Apex Rate, Download, Comment and Enjoy! Note: This is my first map posted on ForgeHub. Made sure it was a real "doozy" before putting myself out there. Please try to exploit this map in any way and post back to me about it. Being reuploaded tomorrow with new updates; -2 sniper towers (Old Double box towers) -Raises Wall -Wall barricade in the bases on top of the angled boxes - New Name -More
wow. the interlocking looks good here and i love how you explaiened what each color ment. the center peice looks very well interlocked and the bases look very good by the slanted boxes going up and the upside down interlocked stairs. even if the name is taken this map still looks great! keep on a forgin' although i don't belive mlg has rockets, i'm not sure i have not seen them in mlg b4, it's nice to see a mlg map that goes beyoned just mlg... ;p
Like the I like the interlocking and all but thos map is really wierd and open. What I mean by wierd is all the doxes sticking out of the ground, it's really kewl though
MLG does have rockets.. it's my favorite gametype .. in the MLG Pit it's in the middle green hallways where invis usually is. Costruct its on the top middle thing On another note thanks everyone
I love the boxes that are interlocked at an angle. I hope that the gameplay is as good as it looks to be!
My idea for the slanted boxes wa actually kinda funny.. i was just messing around and had a single box in my hand. Tried droping it on my brother who was playing with me and when it hit the floor it just kinda stayed at that angle. So I incorperated the slanted box into the map.