When ever I go into photoshop, I scroll down the list of brushes, and once I get to a certain point, it gets REALLY laggy. Is there a virus and/or someway to fix it?
Well yeah, the problem is when I scroll down, it turns laggy. They're loaded and all, it's just hard if I want to use them.
I dont think it would be a virus. Maybe try restarting you computer? May I ask did you click on that link that mortarion gave us a little while ago? Because that might have something to do with it.
What applications are open, perhaps the CPU usage is being eaten up. Internet (of course), Photoshop, anything else?
Sounds to me like the perfect excuse to stop using crappy brushes lol. I use the basic round and square ones for erasing and smudging and occasionally splatter ones for clipping masks and thats all.
try reseting your brushes to the deafult, and and reload them. If problem still persists, reset the burshes agian, and load 1 brush pack. if no problems. then reset. keep repeating untill you found the problem brush set, and remove them.
Wow you only use default ones and your sigs are great! Perhaps you have too many .. I use GIMP and have like 3 packs ..
Ya brushes arn't everything if you have the right technique. Ya but doing what Penguinish said should help fix the problem, or atleast find it.