Welcome to the Croft Manor, this map is a remake of the mason found in the Tomb Raider games and Movies. It was made for the game Clue(By Tender Bisquit). It has secret passage ways and hidden weapons. Map:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Clue:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing It has five main rooms The Dining room, The Bed room, The Garage, The Entertainment room, The Storage room, The Main Hall and an elevator shaft. Weapons on map: Rockets Sniper Shotgun Mauler Brute Shot Plasma pistol Magnum Gravity Hammer Sword Thanks Hollow Blade for helping with the map and Bisquit for making Clue.
Nice job, Sqork. Some of my favorite parts of the last TR game was hunting through Croft Manor. Maybe we can do a Clue night soon and play some on here.
That would be a lot of fun, me and Bisquit did some stuff with the map to make it even more so a true Clue map. It has secret passage ways that made him want to redo Troika.
this maps seem okay since it is a house. im not a big fan of those kind so i give it a 4/5 for not being sloppy.
No offense to any other forge mansion/house builders, but this one really rules the roof. Every floor seems perfectly interlocked and very smooth. It's so good it almost looks like it could host a fun game. The effort you put into this really shows and its another of your maps which is a 5/5
wait, does it have a kitchen and a giant walk in freezer? I remember shoving the butler in the freezer back in the old games then locking it. It was so funny lol.
Sadly no I ran out of money so I did make all the rooms from the game. But it is one of the biggest Houses out there.
Pretty good house, i like how you custom made it for clue especially, i was in a game the other night. but some people just cant follow the rules
clue's awesome and so is this, th interlocking is sick, and the geomerged fence wall is awesome, a def. 5/5