: Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing "the spartan jail wasen't made very big thinking that the spartans would never have to go to jail, But times have changed, In the process of making the spartan fours project somthing went wrong with there brains and they tryed killing the marines instead of the covenent. Now the jail is overpopulated and the only way to fix it..... A battle royal, the gaurds left a key on the ground in the middle for one spartan to escape knowing it was a fake key." Now the story is over, my map is one with four pillars and a floating platform in the middle with a sword and a catwalk over it with a sniper loft and jail cells . But this map is not infection it is a team slayer or team oddball or FFA or FFA oddball. My map I like to think isd pretty original and that i hope you rate and download my map. weapons list battle rifles-8-30 assault rifles-2-30 plasma rifles-4-30 needler-2-30 brute shot-2-45 sniper rifle-1-90 shotgun-2-never spiker-4-30 smg-2-30 magnum-1-10 plasma pistol-2-30 spartan laser-1-never sword-1-120 equipment list overshield-1-120 active camo-1-120 vechicles list mongoose-2-60 and now on to the pics starting point catwalk sniper loft other half of catwalk prison cells sword spawn Hope you download and rate.=)
Yeah there's a button that says "edit" next to a button that says "quote" in the lower right corner of your post. click it.
Don't worry about this. The map sounds good and the post doesn't have to be deleted. Finish editing the original map post as soon as you can, edit your double post (to say it was an accident and apologise) and you should still be fine. Try and remember to not double post in the future as Forgehub take it seriously.
Your post is finally working, and its pretty good, no interlocing or anything like that (atleast from what i can see) but its a good start for a new forger. keep up the forging and your skill will impove =D
not really It does not have alot of merging accept for the cell and the pillars and the walls (some of them anyway but ya i merged alittle).
since this is one of (or your first) i give it a 4/5 since it looks nice and not sloppy. some geo-merging and some interlocking would do you some good though.
I know It's hard to tell from pics but it's is merged, Not geomerged becuase i did not think it was needed at all so. thanks though.
Well done for fixing the post. I like the layout of this map and although you have hardley used interlocking, it still looks great. I think that there could be a little more cover on the ground floor but other than that and the interlocking, there isn't much wrong with the map or post. 4/5
i really like the fact that the map isnt 2D. i hate when a map is so low to the ground and all the fighting takes place at a single height. The mere fact that you can jump to just about anywhere definately sells me on it. i can see you going on to do great things in the future. keep up the good work.