Okay, here is a whole list of tuts from random websites and people, gathered up from time to time. None of these tuts were made by me. +REP APPRECIATED. "General" Tutorial Websites:Digital Illusions. Photoshop Squad. For PS tutorials. A great place for pixel art for Photoshop. GimpTalk. GimpDome. The SOTW tutorials resources list. Haydorf List of tuts from SOTW, with outcome. (Must download) spaz4TW A website filled with Photoshop tutorials. Nintendo forum's Gimp tutorial list. Icon/Logo/Object Tutorials:How to create a security-type icon. How to create a glass org icon. How to create a rounded logo. Good result. How to create a sweet abstract-metallic logo. How to create a simple logo. How to make a snowboard. How to make an ancient emblem. How to create a toxic tube. How to create a professionally made animated progress bar. How to create a parental advisory label. How to create lightning (in Photoshop). How to make a police badge. How to create an ancient banner. Goes well with ancient emblem tut. How to create a futuristic digital element. How to create the bird phoenix. How to create your own personal tattoo. How to create a virtual DJ picture. How to create futuristic desktop wallpaper. How to create a Linux OS desktop wallpaper. How to create a futuristic eyeball. Text Effects:How to create metallic text. How to create icy, frozen-type text. How to create metal text. How to recreate the God of War text effect. How to create bladed text. How to make mafia-like text. BEGINNER TUTS: [PS] "Basic Shapes with pixels" Tutorial Pt. 1 fruzzgle "Basic Shapes with pixels" Tutorial Pt. 2. fruzzgle "Basic Shapes with pixels" Tutorial Pt. 3. fruzzgle A great place to begin Photoshop. Teaches basics, tips, drawing, etc... 11amDesign This tut has a great outcome, despite being easy. Zenkaiu [GIMP] A "Must Try" beginner tut. TheKoopaBros. A basic tut by DLF. Dragonsliveforever Decent Tutorial. Gives an underwater effect. TheKoopaBros. "Basic Shapes with pixels" Tutorial Pt. 1 fruzzgle "Basic Shapes with pixels" Tutorial Pt. 2. fruzzgle "Basic Shapes with pixels" Tutorial Pt. 3. fruzzgle A short tutorial. Great result for beginners. Bluwizdom Rain splash tutorial. Bucket-Head How to make animated rain. FencePost How to make your own grunge brushes. Watup A slightly more advanced beginner tut. Good result for beginners. Vader Beginner pixel stretch signature tutorial. Kytayle A little advanced for beginners, but good result for beginners. Havok iPod wallpaper tutorial. Also Advanced. PowerPunch Good tutorial with a great result for beginners. Also Advanced. Repsah Jih A good tut for beginners, need to be a bit more experienced. sisTM A very good tut on how to get quick scanlines. Bloggs Fencepost's tut on how to create lightning and other added twists. Fencepost A decent beginner tut. (InstertNameHere) A good tut for beginners. Also Advanced. METROIDKILLER6 ADVANCE USER TUTS: [PS] A Photoshop tutorial: archer. BrightDarkness HOW TO MAKE A SMILIE tutorial. Also can be done in Gimp. LeoLeonardo How to make sprites. Also can be don in Gimp. Ghost0311e A great Photoshop signature tutorial. Boab A great tutorial. Beginners can do this to, but there is a chance they won't understand. LongShot A decent Photoshop tutorial. Darkseff A nice tut with an interesting result. Also Skilled. Danzx Grungy tutorial Stoj [GIMP] Avatar indent tutorial. Also can be used for sigs. King-Of-Bandits A melting animation tutorial. Can be done with both avatars and sigs. FencePost Good signature tutorial. The-Witch-King Expert results, pretty easy to understand. Great tutorial. Flying Penguin Great Gimp sprite tutorial. Pnoi "This Signature Needs More Pink!" Great tutorial with great results. Insanity Prevails HOW TO MAKE A SMILIE tutorial. Also can be done in Photoshop. LeoLeonardo How to make sprites. Also can be doen in Photoshop. Ghost0311 "Diminishing Block Concept" signature tutorial. It is good. Pandamaja Clipping Mask Tutorial. Fl4m3d_Sky Explosion Signature Tutorial. Leaves a great result. Insanity Prevails A stock tutorial. Very good. Fl4m3d_Sky A misty backdrop signature tutorial. Insanity Prevails A liquid burst signature tutorial. Insanity Prevails A singature tutorial that gives a colorful dream-type singature. Insanity Prevails A nice depth signature. Insanity Prevails A light burst signature tutorial. Insanity Prevails A light explosion signature tutorial. Insanity Prevails A simple tutorial leaving a great result. Sth01 An extremely long stock tutorial. A90 Advanced tutorial. AWESOME results. When you get good at Gimping, This is a MUST TRY. RJ Fighter A decent tutorial. Aaliyah Focal point signature tutorial. Koops12 Desolate style signature tutorial. Desolate1134 A sprite signature tutorial. SoldierofGondor Another great tutorial with some great effects. Lowfire A simple tutorial on how to make a space sig. vnt87 Also can be a beginner tut. Better if you add your own effects. DOTHACKED Depending on how you use it, the result will differ. monkey 360 iPod wallpaper tutorial. Also Beginner. PowerPunch Autumn ninja signature tutorial. Curly Haired Boy Simple and easy tutorial (No screenshots as you go). I_AM_L Desausterated signature tutorial. Mercenary An abstract smudge signature tutorial. Vo1ture A sparkly-splashy signature tutorial. A little bright result(s). Afrochicken14 Good tutorial with a great result for beginners. Also Beginner. Repsa Jih Simple Samus signature tutorial. Go-With-Th3-Flo A tutorial with good strategies. Devianbomb A good sprite tut with good results. sisTM S good tut for beginners. Also Advanced. METROIDKILLER6 A tut with an interesting style. Jam Jar A decent tut with an interesting result. Procrastinator A good smudge sig tutorial. Kaori Angel Grungy finish halo tut. LOCKDOWNn SKILLED USER TUTS:[PS] One of many great SOTW tuts. EarthKing Another SOTW tut. Incognito Another SOTW tut. Leeann Another SOTW tut. Kenji Another SOTW tut. GFXZulu Another SOTW tut. 3xplode A great tutorial, with an interesting style. TI Deturbanator [GIMP] A pretty decent sprite sig tutorial. Watup87 A very good signature tutorial. curly haired boy An awesome brushless signature tutorial. Pretty hard to understand. curly haired boy A good signature tutorial. Frank34443 Good part-stock tutorial. Leaves a good result with different effects. AwacsThunderhead An awesome tutorial leaving an awesome result. Sth01 A great stock tutorial. Pt. 1 FroznReign A great stock tutorial. Pt. 2. FroznReign A nice tutorial. Insanity Prevails A great tutorial. That is all I have to say.. Interfico RJ's Second advanced tutorial. This one uses a stock. RJ Fighter Great tutorial. Leaves a great, basic result. AwacsThunderhead Another great tutorial from Insanity Prevails. Insanity Prevails A great tutorial. Quite short, but has new styles. Fuglysleep A smudging tutorial. Not too hard, but still good. Phyro gp Interesting and good singature tutorial. Mike1946 A simple tutorial. Will leave a good result most of the time. DeadPAUL Great tutorial. Leaves a good-looking sig. Sydney A great tutorial with some great effects. Dirt Track How to vector your render. curly haired boy A great vector signature tutorial. curly haired boy Another great splatter/vector signature tutorial. curly haired boy An awesome autumn signature tutorial. Pnoi A great Bleach signature tutorial. Interesting and helpful effects. Curly Haired Boy A very good tutorial using c4ds. Results may differ (greatly). frank34443 Coloring lineart in Gimp (not a sig tut). Gigatwo Good sprite signature tutorial. Fl4m3d Sky Great stock sig tutorial. Results may vary. STH01 A good signature tutorial. Gives good techniques for advancing users. SwampLord A great signature tutorial with a great result. shnb A good tutorial. Darth Gimp A good tutorial. Results may vary due to choice of stocks. Infinity A tutorial with a good result. The One A good tutorila with a good result. Spanky A good tutorial with interesting effects and ideas. AvantGarde A very interesting smudge sig tutorial. Sir Good sig tutorial. XxTheXChaosxX A decent tutorial. Brucelee A very good sig tut with a great result. Split into 2 parts. (Part 1) greentunic A very good sig tut with a great result. Split into 2 parts. (Part 2) greentunic EXPERT TUTS:[PS] An amazing expert tutorial. Brisk An extremely hard tutorial. free.ZE [GIMP] A great tutorial by DW. Dark_Wolf_33 A hard and great stock sig tutorial. Great result. curly haired boy
First link I clicked was for gimp. Second required me to register to see it. third went to a 404 error. Roffle. Dare I try a forth time?
Um, that's weird...I will try and fix it, but I can only do so much... >_> Wow, all of the animerender.com links require you to register. That's dumb, I though you could just go to it...I guess use what you can, I will start deleting broken ones and things like that
Nintendo should be coming back. If the site's not up within a week or two, I'll delete those. Also with Sig of the Week forums, they should be back soon too. On the bright side, all or most of the GIMP tutorials are working. :] Some/most of the PS ones are up; if you find one that is broken or not working, let me know, and I will either fix it or delete it.
very nice! I will definitely use this thread when i am looking for a tut. BTW u can add mine that i made recently http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/23060-phoenix-sig-tutorial.html
This should probly get stickied so that it doesn't get buried and i have something to go to when i need help w/ gimp.
Looks like a great list, though I Ctrl + F'd (Search) "Border" and found nothing that contained the word "Border" on this page. Is there a tut that tells people how to make borders? Sigs NEED borders otherwise they can't look their best. Out of all this, I would expect a border tutorial, but I'm just wondering...
why ask for rep? anyways, put this on there http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/23937-locks-sig-tut.html [edit] your links are crap, sorry
Add this up when you can. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/23955-grungy-tutorial.html :happy:
Very nice, I've never looked a tuturial for Photoshop... yet. I got to where I am by trial and error.