Hello everyone, I am the creator of the featured maps list, and I have recently been lacking on my duties and have not been updating it as much as I should, but that is all because of my lack of ability to tell which maps I have on the list, and which ones I dont. Because of this I am in the market for a helper on the Featured maps list so that I can spend more time making the list easier to read, and coming out with more versions with new ways of sorting it, instead of searching for the maps I am missing. So all I need is someone (preferably somebody that I already know), that is willing to send me a message everyone now and then, telling me just the names of the maps not on the list. Nothing else is needed, but you will be credited in the thread. If you wish to get more involved, I will talk to you if I feel it is good. -CLOSED- Playahata27 Is chosen, will open for more apps if he does not accept it Thanks
i like pie, all kinds of pie, but to more important matters, the featured maps list doesnt have a few maps that people have been screaming for, and i personally believe should be present there too. these maps are Bayonettework-by thesilencebroken, and definetly Curbstomp and Martrydom by BlazeIsGod. these forgers have been making fantastic maps lately and it seems like the people all agree they should be featured. i do too. but if for some reason your holding them back for a reason or theyre just "Barely" not making the cut, more maps are on there way. if you havent already check these maps out, and the forgers that make them, you should definetly go for it.
EDIT-Whoops, I didn't read enough of the first post Name: Cameron Why you want to help me: Because I want to do my part for the community, and become a better member. Are you able to message me at least once(1) per week: Chea Favorite Kind of Pie: Apple
Name:kenny Why you want to help me:Because I like writing (lulz) and that darn thread needs an update! Are you able to message me at least once(1) per week:Yes sur Favorite Kind of Pie:Your kind =)
FYI Metallic, I don't decide who makes the featured maps list. It is the maps in the featured maps section that I just link to and put the information in the thread.
I chose PlayaHata27 because he showed devotion to Forgehub and he seems like he wants it to be updated even more then I do . Please Lock!