For any of you who have ever played UT99 aka UTclassic AKA unreal tournament for windows 95, you remeber all the great maps the game had. Well, I've been flying around my Copy of UT and taking screens, and here are some UT maps I'd like to convert into Halo. #1 Fractal Reactor A small DM map made for 2-4 players. Nothing fancy here, two elevators, a center floor, and a top floor loop here is the view from the top of Fractal. Like I said, nuthing fancy but still fun. Here is a sideview of fractal. Both sides are the same. #2 Condemned A decent sized map made for Domination (territories) that includes close quaters alleys, a spacious roof to fight on, indoor combat areas and two bases A top view of Comdemned along with a territory One of the side bases An alley and spawn point for UT red team The third territory Please reply with some ideas on how to pull these off
In foundry you can do this by mainly using double and single boxes, along with bridges to make the more compilicated ones, and it should only have assault rifle and dual pistol's. :squirrel_chatting:
Well the duel pistols are a staple of UT. Im thinking this for weapons Rocket Launcher=Rocket Launcher Flack Cannon=Brute Shot Minigun=Turret Sniper=Sniper Redeemer=Missle pod Pulse cannon=Plasma rifle Ripper=Mauler Biorifle=Plasma Pistol Impact Hammer=Grav Hammer
woah seeing those screens has taken me back! i used to think they were awesome graphics but times have changes eh. Id love to see a remake of face off. that map was brilliant. But starting with the small ones is definately the way forward. I personally wouldnt make the comparison of the missile pod to the redeemer but the other weapon ideas sound GREAT cant wait to see these maps. You need any help then GT: o FallDamage o
Yes! That first map you posted screenshots of, I was thinking about how great that map would be to remake for Halo. Its so simple, yet I've had such great battles there. There's another UT map I used to love, but I don't remember the name, and I can't really find the words to describe it. Lets see, the walls were brown, there was a hallway that made like an L shape, but there was a room overlooking the hallway with a stairway that you could hide under, maybe there was some armor under it. Damn my memory sucks, I don't remember much about it I guess, but I remember really liking that map.
I was gonna start on it last night but I went to the hospital. I'm already past the "Back Of Napkin" stage cause I sketched out Fractal and Condemned. Fractal will be easy. Here is my weapons list. Impact Hammer=Grav Hammer Enforcer=Magnum GES BioRifle=Plasma Pistol ADSM Shock Rifle=Beam Rifle Pulse Gun=Plasma Rifle Ripper=Spiker (or mauler) Minigun=Turret (or assault rifle) Flack Cannon=Brute Shot Rocket Launcher=Rocket Launcher Sniper=Sniper UT99 gametype Instant respawn Start with 2x Overshields and no regen, cause in UT you cant regen health UT health packs will be 2x Overshields, Big Keg O Health will be custom power up 4x Overshields.
well i would also make it as fast as ut in the gametype and the height of the jumps should be the same
I'm currently working on Fractal. I have a playable messy throw together map already to play on, and will work on a more polished map later. If you want to help me beta test the first beta of Fractal hit me up tommorow, gamertag-theRAVENeff3kt. I need some suggestions on things to make it better. I'm going to make it a little bigger and polish up the geometry.
TEST RESULTS: Thanks to o FallDamage o, pepper2000, Enemy Uk, and others whos names I can't remember, I was able to test the UT99 gametype and got some feedback on the map. I am going to polish up the looks and feel of the map, Expanding the size and fixing the death zone tele. Weapons will be modified, as well as some health packs added. thanks guys
Sounds cool, but how would you recreate the elevator in forge for Fractal because it would the first time I've seen one.