Bungie needs to fix team doubles name to TEAM BOOSTING. Cause everyone are boosters, Anyone else sick of boosting, i think bungie should remove Negative exp = rank up, imo.
i hate this. i am a legit doubles player who is trying to get to a 45 but i hate when people do that. i play alot of boosted accounts and i cant stand it
They tried fixing it by putting on the mixed party filter... But it fails so theres no other way of really fixing that..
It's called. Get more kills than the other team. Bad kids like you always blame "boosting" for getting beat. It's not hard to kill the other team before they kill you.
Yes, if you leave when your at 0exp you get negavtive exp and rank up. Sorta hard when my teammate leaves cause he's boosting, And bad? wow, shut up.
No if you're winning, and have 24 points, and the other team has less, THEN you leave, you gain neg exp and rank up.
Uh, no your pretty stupid dude, maybe if you'd actually check the boosters exp, Which is 0, and they don't try to win, they just leave at the lobby.
I know exactly what you mean! But Bungie can't do much to stop it .. It a confusing issue to tackle .. Theres not much you can do .. Except change the ranking system