Dystopia: MLG Style Asymmetrical map Download Map Description: Can support all gametypes but i recommend Asymmerical gametypes. Gametypes Supported: -Slayer -Team Slayer -Multi-Flag -One-Flag -Neutral bomb -One-Bomb -All Territories..... .... Bacicly Everything even Infection. MLG Style Weaponz Set 6x BR's 6x Carbines 2x Mawlerz Tonz of grenadez . The Pictures: Defenders Base Attackers Bases Defenders Back hall Overview Side View Please Download and rate on the Bungie.net post Thx...
Yay first post!In other news that looks like quite a good map, especially the defenders area although you need a few more pictures so you can see where the weapons are. Also good job on the geo-forming (?) and i would rate it on Bungie but i can't get onto it somehow....
it would help quite a bit if there were more pics but at least you met the FH standards. it looks like you put some effort into this map. i cant wait to see more of your maps, keep it up.
Insane map, awesome Interlocking, and how did you ever Geo Merged a Double Wall! The layout is awesome too, BTW
This looks amazing i dl im gonna try it out tommorow. You did a great job with geo merging and interlocking! I like the camos merged into the buliding that really caught my great job 5/5! o yeah and add some more pics if you get the chance.
this is a really good map! i love the interlocking and the geo-merging. i like how it supports lots of gameplay types. 5/5
can't really have an MLG asymetrical map other wise it looks pretty good but a little more pics would be useful last very very clean geo-merging and interlocking
Wow dont listen to these other people, this map seems great, and your interlocking is near perfect, the only thing you may want to add is an overview shot like someone said, it would help out alot and let people see your layout
This is a beautifully structured map i have to say. The combinations of geo-merging and interlocking have created varying levels and plenty of cover. I would like to see more pictures of the map from different angles and some action shots as this may make your post better and more interesting to look at. 4/5 from me EDIT: Just put the name of the map - don't include asymmetrical as it is against the rules (i think) and you can explain that anyway in the post
I don't see the point on making this map asymetical and MLG. An MLG map must be symmetical to qualify as an MLG map. The map itself looks fantastic! Excellent interlocking and geoglitching and it looks like you truly spent a lot of time and effort making this. I think you did a very good job and you have earned a download from me!
I do remember seeing this post from awhile ago, its amazing how I met you on XBL and to find out you are the one that made these maps! You did a great job on this one (in 2 hours.) Haha, well 4.5/5 overall.
The quality of this map is phenomenal. great job. Ill d/l for sure. 4/5 for the post. 1 off only because it needs an overview picture that shows more high points of the map. I'm a little confused now. Nice geo merging.
that looks very well made, the fence boxes look great in the ground. There are plenty of jump ups. I just downloaded it and I will edit my post when I have played on it.
Who says you can't have an asymmetrical MLG map? Is Guardian not asymmetrical? There are plenty of great asymmetrical MLG maps on Foundry. There isn't any reason for you to tell the guy he can't create an MLG map that differs from the standard MLG Foundry maps (2 or 4 based symmetrical maps only with a mauler) especially when you aren't certain yourself. I can't tell much from the 2 pictures given, and I haven't had the chance to play it yet, but it looks like you focused on merging more than you did solid gameplay. In competitive maps (MLG especially), gameplay trumps aesthetics. Although interlocking can create smoother and better looking maps, it is important that you don't go overboard and focus on what is most important, gameplay. Also, although MLG does have asymmetrical maps, there aren't attackers and defenders because the only objective gametypes they host are ball and hill.
okay i added two more pictures a overview and a side overview,i hope it shows how the map layout is better and thx for the good comments im workin on a symmetrical version with smaller bases , middle structure ,(etc...)