To start off, I am a new Halo 3 player, but I have been a long time player of Halo 2(for at least maybe 2k games). My main reason for buying Halo 3 was because of Forge, since well, I like creating things. Other than Halo, I'm a student of 3D animation in the program Maya. I may learn other programs later, but at the moment I find Maya the easiest(Cararra(camera movement is skewed and difficult), Cinema 4D(separates all the facets of an object and keeps them as separate objects, ex: the corner of a cube has 3 verticies instead of just one, like it should have). Either way, I like making things, whether they be virtual or real. I mostly joined here to use/offer my opinions on many of the maps here, and maybe get some tips from others. I will probably never be at their level, but, I might as well try. I thank the community for its existance, without it, I probably wouldn't have found many of the maps I had much fun on.
Welcome to Forgehub. Before posting to much, check out the Rules and FAQs. To learn about more advanced forging techniques, see Forging 101. Private message me if you have any questions. Happy forging and good luck with your studies with Maya.
Hello Daedalus, I am here to say hi but not because I want to make you feel welcome. I'm saying hi so I can ask why Murdock Sampson is spamming the **** out of the Intro section
At the moment, bed. To tired to continue on, it is way too early in the morning, I need sleep. And thankyou for the welcomes.
kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community my gamer tag's are br0wniekilly0u (o's are zeros) BROWNIEkillYOU
O hai, welcome to Forge Hub, perhaps the largest and most successful Halo 3 Forging community. Before you take on the Forums, take a look at FAQ's, Forging 101, and the Rules. Don't be scared to post, we will accept you as long as your posts have intelligence to them, except in Off Topic, where posts don't count. Have fun! That was all serious, lawlz.
Wow this thread proves that people only post replies in the intro thread for post count. They don't even bother to read what any one else has said. Or look at the date in which the thread was created.