Pop! Pop! A really cool mini game made by me. The zombie throws a Trip Mine under pallets and if stepped on they POP! This map must be used with the poppers! Gametype. And thanks to cal004 for testing. Human spawn Zombie spawn The zombie must throw trip mines at the bottom of the pallets that then explode when walked over Watch where you walk Or suffer To download map click HERE To download gametype click HERE
Looks interesting. I've never seen this idea before. I qued up and I'll try it out tomorrow. Also, you know DarkLegacy and Tyler?
looks like a lot of fun but there are some flaws. The zombies always throwing up grav lifts could get annoying and the humans could just always crouch walk and not get killed. Original idea though.
looks like a really fun mini game but can the zombie throw the trip mine anywere but the middle? you did this map really nicely though, the pallets fit in the double boxes perfectly.
Surely the humans could just stand still at one corner- what forces them to walk around? If nothing, then this won't work.
Whoa, that's an awesome idea. Never seen trip mines been put to any prominant use before. I love the idea. Linubidix approves of this. I wanna play it. I cant wait to.
it looks to easy to cheat; IE...crouch walking and never tripping them at all. but it seams like a good idea.
If it takes to long the zombie can jump up at the trip mines and they all explode! Plz comment and DL
Looks fun and nice interlocking. The only problem is I see one grav lift, if the trip mine only blows up in that area all the players on top know where its going to blow up this could be a problem in gameplay. Also I would suggest putting trip mines and deployalbe gravity lifts so you can control where you put the trip mine
This is a good idea but imo poorly executed, there need to be some sort of incentive to moving around in the area. an idea would be to make this a vip game where the defenders spawn below while the attackers move around the area above to various escort points. the non vips on the attackers would have to act as the guine pigs for the vip, testing each area in advance. Then just put it to one life per round and bout 5 different points. Just an idea. However, as people have been previously mis-stating on this post it's actually quite impossible to crouch walk around the area because the grav lifts in the floors still effect the players above. there are a few other problems though, it's a pain in the ass to move around the area below and the grav lift could be placed more effectively to cover the entire floor. right now you have one corner that is basically a 'free' zone where you can't be killed. The final point i'm going to make is that it's so easy to see the trip mines in the floor, if you are actually looking where you are going it's not hard to avoid them.