This is the first map that ive ever taken seriously and put time into it. 4-8 players. Gametype: Team King Each team of two spawns in a open double box with 4x overshields, rockets, and a mongoose. Your goal is to kill or knock your opponents into the pit of fusion coils or out of the map before they can get 100 points. This is my first map I ever put time into so please give me some tips ext. Hope I presented the map the right way =/ Download the Map Download the game variant
looks like an insane map but if theyre not supposed to get out, i see how to: nade jump over the fence walls. so maybe u could make a higher wall :]
o nd maybe u could make some obstacle for the driver to go around like some ramps or cover or sumthin like tht
maybe higher walls would prevent from getting out of the map. you could make your map a little bit neater
I put small walls so people would fly out. If they fly out they automatically lose. makes it harder for people, you need to shoot at people before they get you. And I know about the neat thing. Just started making maps. My next one will be neater
Hey guys u really shouldnt double post, just edit the first. The map looks fun, but you should show some gameplay screens. Also, I would suggest making your map a little more neat. 4/5 -jelly
I haven't played the map, but the hole seems to small for anyone to fall into, and also wouldn't the fusion coils lag up or just make it annoying.
You did well for your first map here at forge hub, and I would say this is a pretty original idea; I haven't seen this type of gameplay before, 4/5!
How to save mini-games Step 1: Add pit of death Step 2: Add Rockets Step 3: Add Mario Kart Step 4: EPICS! Step 5: Qu'ed!
Wow, I really like the looks of this map. My only question is how easy is it to spawn kill, because it looks like they spawn in the boxes. So as soon as people respawn, rockets into box, boom! But i haven't played on it yet so it might not be a problem. And for all the people complaining about jumping out of map, just turn up player gravity. And if for some reason you still get out,kill yourself with your rockets and get back in the game =P 4.5/5
It's KOTH- why would you WANT to get out the map? This looks very good and promising for smaller parties. To improve: If you flipped the boxes over it would look aesthetically better, though seeing as they are all interlocked AND are the basis for the map, that would be very hard to re-do. Possibly a v2, though as long as driving is smooth it shouldn't be a problem.
Kudos on making something UNIQUE for your first map- most people just throw together a noobie infection map as their first. I'm glad you know how to intersect, also. I think the floor would look nicer if you had laid all the double boxes upside down, but w/e.
Wow this looks great! Amazing idea! Is it Rocket race type of game .. Like everyone in indestructible .. Looks great good job! =]