Map Title: Collusim "Made for FFA's or 2v2's. 2-6 Players." Download Map Description: Collusim is originally and foremost a FFA map, but can be used to run 2v2 battles as well. I wanted a map with a Colosseum feel to it. Battle Rifle x2 Carbine x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Mauler x1 SMG x2 Needler x1 Plasma Grenades x4 Over view Gravlift up Jump up Sniper Another view Sniping much? Outside view
thats spelt wrong but it looks like a great map i like the floors and it very neat good job 4/5 DOWNLOADED 1ST POST!!!!
haha, you spelt collusium wrong but who cares, looks like a really nice map though. mustve taken you forever to float and save all that
Wow this is probaly the best FFA Colosseum I've ever seen... The first Colosseum ever made on blackout with high interlocking. I like how it floats over the edge of the map and making mere impossible to get out of the map. Good Job Techne.
When I looked at your map, I just went "BLAM!". It is probably really fun for swords ffa or like shotties or something. OR NEEDLERS! that would be really fun. Or a barfight variant. Anyway 5/5 arena and 4/5 aesthetic quality.
OH...MY...GOD... IT'S THE SNIPING MAP I"VE BEEN WAITING FOR! I love you man...not in a creepy way...but in a brotherly way. As Ben Stiller said in Zoolander "They were like brother's to me. And when I say brothers, I don't actually mean a brother. I mean it like the way black people use it. And I think that's more meaningful." And no I'm no racist for anyone who is easily offended. I love how you made it float
although its not a very competitive map for slayer and things like that its looks to be fun if you made specail gametypes for it. swords would be fun. even KoTH would be pretty hectice, and beautiful colusium. 5/5
holy F-cakes! thats a heck of a map there i love the design, its really original must be fun for snipes or just BR practice. 8.8/10
nice map! i love the interlocking and the floating part. it is a little small map though. Make it bigger if you make a V2 make it bigger
:O That looks amazing. Very clean and it must have taken a long time for making all of the floating objects. 5/5
Downloaded! This map looks amazing, and I think it will work great for me as a Sniper or BR practice map. It is also very well designed and looks fantastic. 5/5!
It's set up for koth if you wanted to play it. I set it up for most game types except for 1flag, the asymmetrical flag wont stop spawning outside the map:[ Thanks for the great feed-back guys!